Face Off! - Part 1

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"So what will it be, Seto Kaiba, do you care enough about your brother's life to try to save his soul.  Not that you really have a choice, Mokuba's soul belongs to me.  So life-like, but you probably preferred him in the flesh, didn't you.", Pegasus just enjoys toying with Kaiba.  "Grrr, your not human!", Kaiba.  "Quite human actually, just extraordinarily gifted.", Pegasus reaches into his pocket and tossed starchips to Kaiba's feet.  "Here you'll need these with your duel with Yugi.", Pegasus.  "Huh?  Why are you doing this?", Kaiba.  "My reasons are none of your concern.  Maybe I just enjoy the struggle watching a constant tug-of-war between you and Yugi boy.  Or maybe I want something your incapable of comprehending, something you'll end up delivering to me all tied up in a bow.", Pegasus continues his play with words.  "Talk straight!  What do you want?", Kaiba.  "Want?  I want to see if your capable of defeating little Yugi in a duel.  And only if you successfully crush him in a humiliating defeat will you get the opportunity to duel me.  Then if you beat me, I promise to restore your brother's soul.", Pegasus.  "For now.  I have no choice but to play your game, but as soon as I defeat Yugi I'll be back.  And you better make good on your promise to restore my brother, because if you don't I'll take great pleasure in separating your soul from your body in my own way.", Kaiba.  Pegasus just laughs at Kaiba's declaring threat.

Soon Kaiba was on his way to meet up with Yugi, but Pegasus stayed behind.  "Ok Kyra, you can come out now.", Pegasus.  I walked out of the corner and I wasn't surprised he knew I was there.  "Guess your not upset to see me here.", Kyra.  "Not hardly.", Pegasus.  "That power you have in your possession has made you a sick man.", Kyra.  "Call me what you wish, but don't think I don't know what you plan to do next.", Pegasus.  "If it's helping them get in to beat you then yes, I will do that.", Kyra.  "I wouldn't do that if I were you.", Pegasus waves his finger.  "Hmm, and why's that?", I hesitate to ask.  Pegasus then pulls out the card that holds Mokuba's soul.  My stomach sank when he showed it me.  He then tried the unthinkable.  "W-wait--  What are you doing!?", Kyra.  Pegasus positioned his fingers in almost ripping the card.  "Like I told Kaiba boy, I'm the only one here to make threats and that doesn't exclude you, Kyra.", Pegasus says as he still holds his position.  "Grrr...", I was wrong, he's not sick, he's a mad man.  "Make one move to help Yugi or Kaiba and I can ensure you that no matter who wins, their victory will be meaningless if there is no one to fight for.", Pegasus.  He then pulls out Yugi's grandpa's card next to Mokuba.  "And it won't just be Mokuba who'll be split in half.", Pegasus.  But he made a promise to Kaiba to restore Mokuba if he wins, but I guess it doesn't matter since he believes he'll win anyway and he can just use Mokuba and Solomon as leverage against me.  I couldn't move a muscle knowing Pegasus backed me into a corner, but it still made me furious of what Pegasus is doing of all things.  "Then answer me this Pegasus.  Why did you even allow me to come to the island?  Why let me help them until now?", Kyra.  "Hehehe, you should know that by now Kyra.", Pegasus.  "Come again?", Kyra.  "For the same reason I wanted Yugi to participate in my tournament.", Pegasus smirked.  "You want my millennium heart?", Kyra.  "Oh don't sound surprised, I did say I wasn't going to take it yet.  But I needed something to bring you in since your reputation puts you at hard to reach.", Pegasus.  Suddenly, all the pieces came together, making sense.  "You... used Yugi to lure me out here..?", Kyra.  "Oh not just him, I was able to get you down here thanks to Kaiba, didn't I?  Thanks to that, I'm able to make my threat against you.", Pegasus.  Hearing his words made me feel even more of a fool, even more than what he's done so far.

"Come now, Kyra.  Your free to watch the match as you like, but if you try to make a move I'll know, and that includes your dragons.", Pegasus.  I clenched my fist knowing I could do nothing but watch.  "Then why let me watch...?", I couldn't look Pegasus in the eye.  "To show that you can't help anyone, no matter how skilled...  Or maybe it's something else I want...", Pegasus.  Now Pegasus was toying with me.  I gritted my teeth and started to walk past him as he smiled in his victory.  Soon I was away from him enough to do something I haven't done in a long time...

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