Arena of Lost Souls

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The next morning I woke up earlier than everyone else.  I could've slept in but I'm so used to waking up early from my past travels that it's now out of habit.  I went to wash up nearby and to check on my burns.  As I've told Yami last night, there mostly healed, almost gone completely, leaving my sweater sleeves worse for wear.  But when I came back, I heard soft sobbing.  The sound lead me to Joey as he was shaking in his sleep.

(!)* Must be a nightmare... *(!)

I was going to wake him up, but he sat straight up before I could.  "Huh?", Joey gasped as he awoke.  "A dream.  Ahh!  Kaiba, we'll see who eats the dog chow on this island.  Ahh!  Everybody, wake up!", Joey.  Yugi was the first to wake.  "Joey, what's wrong?", Yugi asked.  "What is it, Joey?", Bakura.  "Ahh, nothing's wrong.  It's just a brand new day of the tournament, and I'm hot to find us a duel!", Joey yelled.  And here I was standing watching this unfold before me.  "Hey, guys, what's all the commotion?", then I heard Tea come back.  When I woke up, she was still sleeping, but I guess she woke up after I did.  "Good morning, Tea.", Yugi.  "Where's Mai?  Isn't she with you?", Joey asked.  "She said she had to go.  And to give you this note, Yugi", Tea.  Guess Mai wanted to be on her own, but not in bad terms I think.  Yugi took the piece of paper and gave it a read.  It said, "I owe you 8 star chips, see you around."  Yugi had a little blush on his face.  "Kiss those chips good-bye.", Tristan.  "I don't know, maybe we really can trust Mai.", Yugi.  Hearing Yugi saying that gives relief to my earlier thoughts.  "And if not, we'll were still the team supreme, right?", Joey.  All of us agree, and we set our way out looking.

After a bit of walking down the trail, a topic as brought up.  "I wonder how many duelists there are left on the island?", Bakura asks.  "They shipped a couple dozen yesterday.", Joey.  "And I bet even more have been eliminated by now.", Tea adds.  "And some of them we're really good players, with powerful cards, too.  We could be next.", Yugi.  "Not a chance, Yugi, those other guys just want the prize.  You, Joey, and Kyra have a lot more at stake.", Tristan. "That's true, I've gotta rescue grandpa from Pegasus, and Joey needs the prize money to help his sister. And the duelists we face today will be even stronger, cause they survived the first round.", Yugi. "But don't you already have enough star chips to enter, Kyra?", Tea asks me.  "True, but because I chose not to enter so early, some might challenge me anyway to downsize my chips and up theirs.  So I have to be on guard too.", I reply to her question. "By the way, what are you fighting for again?", Joey apparently forgot, but I don't blame him.  "Like Yugi, I have a quarrel with Pegasus.  But I also came to help a friend of mine.", I say as I walked ahead.  "Oh, and who would that be?", Yugi asks in a curious tone.  I turn my head to face him and wink at him.  "That's a secret for now.", I reply.  Joey stopped in his tracks.  "Even stronger?", Joey questions.  "Careful what you say, Yugi, you got little Joey here shakin' in his sneakers.", Tristan.  "What!?  You think I'm a scared little puppy dog.", Joey shoves at Tristan.  "Well if the collar fits.", Tristan retorted.  "All right, break it up.", Tea steps in.  "Hey, you just bring in any duelist.  Then I'll cream 'em.", Joey.  "Right.  You gotta believe in yourself, Joey.", Yugi encourages him.  As Joey went on about taking victories today, Kidmodo came out of hiding but only slightly enough to get my attention.

(!)* Morning, Kidmodo.  What's up? *(!)

He pointed his head towards the upper area of a cliff.  When I looked to where he pointing to, there was no one.

(!)* There's no one there, Kidmodo. *(!)

He tried to gesture me to go check it out, but I can't leave them without a necessary reason.

(!)* I'm not going now, but if things get suspicious, you'll lead me there, alright? *(!)

Kidmodo gave a consented nod, but still looks worried about what's up there.  Guess I have two things to keep an eye out for.

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