Champion vs. Creator Part 1

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"Ah, Kaiba boy, shall we toast him Croquet?", Pegasus. "What?", Croquet. "A toast to Kaiba and his stunning victory over Yugi. Of course, if he thinks he can just waltz in here and rescue his poor little brother, then he overestimates his chances and underestimates my abilities. But he'll see, he'll see soon enough.", Pegasus chuckles to himself.

"Mind if I step in then?" Kyra. "Oh, why if it isn't Kyra. Enjoy the show, did we?", Pegasus acting coy as usual. "Save it, Pegasus. What's your angle now that Yugi can't enter the castle now?", I ask bluntly, not in the mood for his antics. "Hmm, patience Kyra, he may not be able to enter now, but it doesn't mean he's out completely.", Pegasus turned away with a grin as he drank his glass of wine. "Huh? What do you mean?", now I was a little confused by what he said. "You'll see, Kyra. But anyways, have you learned your lesson, yet?", Pegasus turns his head to me. "*sigh* What is it with you and your lessons? What was this supposed to teach me then?", Kyra. "Now what would it mean to learn it if I simply tell you. But no worries, you may learn soon enough.", Pegasus. I gave Pegasus a grim look. I feel like I'm second of toying with after Kaiba, and it's a bit annoying. But with that eye of his, it's hard to go against him one on one.

"Now, what to do with your position in the tournament?", Pegasus. "Huh? I thought all you wanted was to lure me here and eventually steal my millennium item?", Kyra. "That may be true, but your still a finalist and only when you lose will your millennium item be mine.", Pegasus. I put my hand to my item. "If it wasn't for Kaiba's determination to rescue his brother, I would have you duel him in my stead, but a deal is a deal, and I already have better plans for you.", Pegasus.

*(!) What does he have in mind? (!)*

"Croquet, will you escort our guest to the arena room.", Pegasus. "Understood, sir.", Croquet.

Croquet lead me to a balcony with one chair placed in the center, I'm assuming it's for Pegasus. But if he wants me here, it can only mean the match between Kaiba and Pegasus will soon begin. When no one was around, Kidmodo dragon took this chance to come out of hiding and rub his head under my jawline to check on me. I reassured him by petting his head back that I was fine from earlier. While I was in thought, Kidmodo rested his head on my shoulder for the moment until more people show up.

*(!) What lesson does he want me to learn exactly? That despite my power, I'm useless? No matter what I try I can't help Yugi or Seto? I can only do so much? Grrr... The more I think about it, it gives me a headache. I may not know why these things are happening now, like the voices from the past, and my power coming to rise now of all times. But I do know that despite these things, I will not stop until my mission to help Yugi and his friends is fulfilled, even if it means facing Pegasus himself. (!)*

Kidmodo hid himself in a hurry, and I can see why. On the other side of the room on the upper balcony, walks in Bandit Keith. As he settles in his spot to watch, he spots me. "Heh, looks like I'm not the only one here.", he smirked. "Yeah, I'm not surprised you being here after that stunt you pulled, trapping them in that cave.", I just gave him a scowling look. Keith didn't flinch at my words, he just continued making small talk. "Hmm, hey, have I seen you before? Did I beat you in a past tournament?", Bandit Keith. "Hmph, wouldn't you like to know, but I gotta say. Pegasus really did a number on you didn't he?", I do the same and ignore his words. Bandit Keith's face expression turned grim at the mention of Pegasus. "Watch it!", he growled a little. "Why else would you be here, if not by using underhanded tricks to win? Is that your plan to beat Pegasus? Can't call that a duel if that's all your capable of.", Kyra. I could see his fists forming, which just made me smirk. "Just you wait, I'll beat you and have you regret those words.", Keith brought back his composure with his usual grin. "Heh, we'll see about that.", I reply with a playful grin.

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