Yugi vs Pegasus!!

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Back at school....

After the Kaiba incident, the same routine continued as usual, and I watched another duel between the group except now it's Joey vs Tea.

Joey summoned a rock monster to beat Tea's face down card. It was an angel card. Joey thought he'd win but Tea had a card ready for him. It was the breath of life card. It was a perfect counter since it wore down rock monsters. But speaking of Joey, that day at Kaiba's dueling arena after the duel was over. When Joey was heading towards Yugi, he thought he saw me but before he could confirm, I ducked down. Luckily Kaiba was absorbed by his overwhelming defeat by Yugi that I was able to leave undetected. But caught in my own mind, Joey looked my way and the way he looked at me was one of familiarity. But when Tristan stepped in to call out on his loss, I took the opportunity to go back to my classroom.

It was after school and I didn't really have anything to do at the moment. But I wanted to check on Yugi's grandpa to see how he was doing.

*(!) Hmm, maybe I can finally check out his shop while I'm at it, not that my deck needs a lot of help but there's room for improvement. (!)*

As I walked down, I heard Joey talking to Yugi. "Tristan's right, I do stink I can't win at duel monsters to save my life. What is it Yugi, why can't I ever win? Teach me what I'm doing wrong.", as I heard him I felt bad, cause I wasn't so good at it in the beginning either.

"Well let's start by checking your deck Joey.", Yugi wanted to help Joey, he really is a good friend to his friends. Speaking of which, maybe I can have Yugi's grandpa take a look at my deck and hear his word on it. As they went on I started heading down there.


I arrived and it seems I was the only one here and Yugi and Joey aren't here yet. I reckon they'd be here soon to help out Joey. As I looked around I heard a voice call out to me. "Hello, can I help you?", I turned to see it was his grandpa. He was up the latter putting up a advertising poster for a new pack. "Oh, umm thanks, but I'm just looking for now, do you mind if I?", I looked at him shyly cause I haven't interacted with people like this casually in a long while. Which is why I need my deck a look over since it's been awhile since someone else gave me advice about my deck. "No worries, go ahead just let me know if you need anything", he was kind to let me look. "I will.", I nodded to him.

As I looked around, that's when Joey and Yugi arrived. "Hey grandpa, I brought you a new student.", - Yugi. "Huh, student", - Gramps. "I was hoping since you know more about duel monsters than anyone, maybe you can teach me.", Joey asked him. "Teach you, duel monsters is a very complex game.", - Gramps. "Yeah tell me about it, Tea beat me three games in a row.", I chuckled to myself quietly hoping they wouldn't notice. "Actually, Tea beat you five times in a row Joey.", Yugi corrected him. "Five!? Awe man.", Joey was surprised by the real count. But then he noticed what Gramps was putting up. Yugi's grandpa noticed, "Hmm, yes I could teach you to be a great tournament duelist. But only if your willing to spend endless days and sleepless nights with rigorous training.", well im glad I got some experience to hopefully avoid that kind of training.

But in my travels the duels I had wasn't that easy either, so I had to learn and advance the hard way. Maybe I wished I was taught by an expert like him before my daily travels.

"Ah, piece of cake.", Joey seemed to take it lightly. "With an attitude like that, teaching you may not be worth my effort.", and he didn't like how lightly he responded. Joey was taken back by his harsh words, but he had a point. "Way to go, smartmouth.", Yugi. Joey then pleaded on his knees. "Please, Yugi help me convince him, I'll work hard I promise.", - Joey was now serious, I think. "Listen, teaching you duel monsters is too big of a challenge, even for my grandpa.", - Yugi. "It's not impossible.", Gramps sounded hesitant for a second. "You mean it, Gramps?", Joey. "Joey, he already said he can't do it and if he said can't do it, he can't do it.", now I see what Yugi trying to do, he was using reverse psychology on his grandpa to convince him. "I never said I couldn't do it, but if I agree you must work hard.", I think he's taking it, but he's still serious about what he said. "I'll do anything, I promise I promise.", Joey was up for it. "Hmm, fine, then we'll begin your instruction immediately my young friend and believe me, under my tutelage you will learn.", even from where I'm at I could hear his knuckles crack. I continued looking through the glass for any cards to help but I wasn't sure. As I looked, I think grandpa noticed my deck box hanging by my hip and I tried to hide it but it was too late. "Hey, you kids why don't you head upstairs and wait for me, I have a customer to tend to.", -Gramps. Yugi and Joey nodded, but before they headed up, Yugi looked over my way for a second but then he smiled. He followed Joey.

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