A Daring Rescue Behind the Scenes Part 4!

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Everyone's POV

Tea, Tristan, and Joey all wait with worry, having the worst feeling of what happened to Yugi and wait anxiously outside of the shadow realm dome.

"There's gotta be something we can do. We can't lose him.", Tea.

*(!) Mind if I help then? (!)*

"Ah!!", everyone is surprised by the voice in their head.

"What was that!? A ghost?", Joey. "Where did it come from?", Tea as she looks around the room. "Wait. I think I know that voice... Is that you, Kyra?", Tristan. "Huh? Kyra? She's the one talking to us?", Joey. "Where is she?", Tea. "I don't know exactly, but she says she has Kaiba with her.", Tristan. "Kaiba? So wait, when you got Mokuba out of the dungeon, does that mean...", Tea. "Yeah, it was Kyra's idea to get them out of Pegasus's grasp while he was distracted, and she asked for my help.", Tristan. "What!? Why didn't she ask us to help too?", Joey. "But why rescue them when Yugi would've beaten Pegasus and save their souls?", Tea. "Because she knew that as long as Pegasus had their souls in his grasp, without their bodies, he couldn't take over Kaiba Corp.", Tristan. "Ok, I see your point.", Joey. "She still could've told us though.", Tea.

*(!) Nevermind that, I need you to listen to me. I'm sure your all aware that something has happened to Yugi inside the dome. We can argue what should've been done later. Right now, we gotta move and fast. (!)*

"What did you have in mind, Kyra?", Joey.

*(!) Well, if we play our cards right, I can lead you to Yugi, and you can help him from there. (!)*

"Really?", Tea. "Then what are we waitin' for?", Joey. "Yeah, let's go rescue our bud, Yugi.", Tristan.

*(!) Well, first, I need to you put your hand in the center, and concentrate on Yugi. If you can feel his spirit, then focus your energy on that feeling while I do the rest. (!)*

Everyone put their hands together as one, and started to focus, and cheer on Yugi.

*(!) Alright Herald, you ready?


Then let's try this again. (!)*

Same as before, I lead the pillar of twilight I formed and lead it to the shadow dome with the help of everyone harnessing their energies towards Yugi. This time pushing was still a bit difficult but not for long as Tea, Tristan, and Joey's bond to Yugi was able to help me break through. Allowing me to do this...

Pegasus POV

"Here's my move.", Yami drew his next card.

"Then let's take a look! Hah ha ha!", Pegasus.

Using my power of the millennium eye and to see once again Yugi-boy's card.

*(!) Hmhmm. Ha. Trying to conceal your card, eh? Fool, there's nothing you can hide from me since you lost your mind shoveling partner. (!)*

I zoom in closer, trying to break though.

"Oh no! Impossible! Inconceivable! My millennium eye, it's being blocked! This can't be, my millennium power is totally unstoppable! I should be able to scan your every thought and strategy. I should be able to see each and every card in your deck.", Pegasus.

"Not anymore, Pegasus. Not so long as were here helping our buddy out. Get out of his mind and stay out!", Joey.

"Aaah!", Pegasus.

"Thank you. Together we can stand strong against him.", Yami.

*(!) And don't think there the only ones stopping you, Pegasus. (!)*

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