The Evil Spirit of the Ring

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It was dark rather quickly, the moon was high and the gang and I were walking through the woods.

"Boy, it sure got dark in a hurry.", Yugi. "Yeah. Maybe we ought to set up camp somewhere.", Tea. "Don't tell me you're afraid, Tea. You got us protecting you.", Tristan. "Yeah, but who's protecting you guys?", Tea. "Uh, good point. Let's set up camp.", Tristan. "Relax, guys there's nothing in these woods but crickets and squirrels.", Joey. Meanwhile as I chuckled to myself, I felt the spirit of kidmodo on my back. When I saw him I almost freaked a little considering who I'm with.

(!)* Kidmodo, what are you doing here? You can't be seen!


Don't worry there's nothing out there, I didn't sense anything back there, it's just a dark night.

Kidmodo gave me a look of worry and dug his head in my shoulder.

Look, if there's anything, you know I'll handle it, I've always have right. Tried to give him a reassuring smile. He relaxed a little at the heed of my words.

Alright, now go back in, we can't take the chance that they wont see you. He slowly crept back to my deck. *(!)

Later on, we set up a fire to sit around. We decided to pass the time to tell ghost stories. But kidmodo wasn't a fan of those, so I just put my deck close to my bag so he won't hear it.

"And when they finally pulled over to look and see what was in the back seat of the car, it was over 20 pepperoni pizzas with double cheese and meatballs.", Tristan. "Oh, please. What kind of ghost story is that supposed to be?", Tea. Well at least it's that scary for kidmodo. I gave a sheepish smile knowing it wasn't a real good ghost story. "Aah! If I don't get some food in me, I'm gonna be turning into a ghost.", Joey yelled out. "Those two and their stomachs, huh, Yugi?", Tea. "Well, actually, I have some food here if you want.", I pulled out my bag and showed them what I had. It was mostly water, sodas, beef jerky, and some sandwiches. "Woah, let me see.", Joey pushed his way upfront to see all in my bag. "Um, you're welcome to any of it if you want, I'm just sorry there's not enough for all of you.", I only originally packed for myself. Most of the other food I have are instant food for emergencies. "Hey, no worries. Can I have some of that jerky though?", Joey gave a expression of puppy dog eyes. "Uhhh...", I was about to hand it over until Tristan grabbed a hold of Joey. "Hey, now, if you're eating then we're all eating, you hear?", Tristan. "Wow, that was smart of you to pack food.", Yugi pointed out. "Well, I travel a lot, so I'm used to it.", I said a little bashful. "How long have you been traveling, Kyra?", Tea asked. Both Tristan and Joey snap out of their argument to listen. "Well, most of my life, but it's good though.", I gave the best answer I could. "Why do you travel so much though?", until Yugi asked the big question which I didn't expect this soon. "Uhh, well... that's a long story, you see--", I didn't know what to say after so long until we heard Joey. "Hey, my meal ticket.", it was Joey eying his eye on a wild mushroom. Uh oh. "What? No!", Tristan grapped a hold of Joey again preventing him from eating it. "Wild mushrooms are poisonous, Joey.", Yugi stated. "So do us all a favor and let him eat it.", we all saw Mai. "Now what do you want, Mai?", Joey. She pulled out a crunch bar and ate it in front of us. As much as I would be frustrated with this, I'm much more relieved that they forgot the topic at hand, so I was safe for now. "That's it. You can duel me, you can insult me, but you're not eating in front of me.", Joey. "You're that hungry, are you? OK then. Give me your star chips and I'll give you some food.", Mai was clearly enjoying this. Joey was tempted, but he put his head on straight, thank god. "Forget it. Potatoe chips-- I mean star chips are priceless.", Joey. "I was just kidding, Joseph. I'll be more than happy to share if you can manage to ask politely like a gentleman.", Mai. "Right. So then you can go make fun of me for that, too?", Joey. "Look. By tomorrow, I'll have won entrance to the castle, so there's no point in me keeping an entire knapsack full of food.", Mai. Damn, I travel much more than her and yet she's able to pack more food than me. But then again, I learned over the years it's easier to pack light unless it was a months trip. "Sure would be nice not to have to duel tomorrow on an empty stomach.", Yugi. He had a point, but then again I don't have to duel now that I have ten. "How do we know this isn't another trick? Give me just one good reason to trust you.", Joey. "'Cause it's either me or that poisonous mushroom.", Mai made a good point. And just like that everyone took on Mai's proposal.

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