Trail by Red Eyes

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"Your horned freaks may have won control of the field, but now it's time to see if you can hold it. Trakadon!", Rex summons a monster face down. "Battleguard, give that card a bashing!", Joey declares his attack. "Whoa! Look at 'em glow! Those guys are some kind of tag team.", - Tristan. "Wow! You're right about that. The power bonus they gain from both being on the field at the same time makes them a tough duo to beat.", - Yugi. "No joke, and since Joey's already taken out Rex's best monster card the rest'll be cake. Finish him bro.", - Tristan. Something tells me there about to be proven wrong cause my deck is still glowing red. "Ha! Who said that serpent night dragon Joey destroyed 2 turns ago was my best card?", - Rex. Oh no, I was right, it's coming. Rex snickered at the glimpse of his next draw. "My Supreme monster is a dragon, but of a different sort! The red-eyes black dragon!", - Rex called out his monster to the field. Everyone was in shock to hear of another monster more powerful than his last. The red-eyes rose out and as it cried my dragon cried out simultaneously. Good thing they were distracted by his presence and not looking my way. "Your pair of primates can power up till they're green in the face. They're still no match for the thrashing power of this beast.", as Rex says this, Joey appears shaky with worry. I don't blame him, he's rare and powerful. "So it does exist. My grandpa told me about this card. It's powers are said to rival those of the legendary blue-eyes white dragon.", - Yugi.

(!)* So that's why his grandpa was surprised to see me pull it, it wasn't for the rarity but what it possesses. Now it makes me wonder how it'll help since I happen to have both.... *(!)

"And if you think those brain-dead brutes of yours will rescue each other from this dragon's rampage, think again. With dragon nails, my red-eyes gets a power boost strong enough to clobber an army of your Battleguards. Red-eyes black dragon! Inferno fire blast!", his red-eyes let out a fire so crimson black sparks came out of it. Both of Joey's and Tristan's monsters were vaporized at the same time. "How could he torch 'em both with just one shot?", Joey was taken back by that dragon's power. "Those who defend together are destroyed together. Don't tell me you thought their little clubs would be enough to save them from my dragons wrath.", he wasn't wrong but he doesn't have to rub it in. I gave a look that was frustrated and worried for Joey. There's isn't a lot of monster's to beat red-eyes, except blue-eyes, but unfortunately neither me or yugi can help him now.

Rex 840/ Joey 235

"That's a good boy, Rex. Nice work.", Mai. I haven't been paying attention to her, but I haven't forgotten her. I could say something, but I'll ignore it for now. "Do you smell that odor in the air, Joey? It's the stench of your defeated battleguards. Who's up next for the roast?", Rex laughs to his taunting. "Gotta stay calm.", - Joey. "Hang in there!", - Tristan. "Yugi, tell me that dragon isn't as tough as it looks. I mean, there must be something Joey can do to stop it.", Tea looked to Yugi. But Yugi couldn't answer and looked in thought. "There is.", the gang looked to me when I spoke up. Yugi looked to me if I was thinking the same thing he was. "Well, how can he beat him?", Tea asked me. "It is tough, but not impossible, if blue-eyes can be defeated by Yugi, then so can red-eyes. All monsters have weaknesses. But I want to see if Joey can figure it out in this situation.", I spoke as calmly as I can trying not to reveal what's in my dueling deck pack. "Hey, who told you to butt in.", Mai looked to me as she overheard me. I looked back to her. "You said "Yugi" couldn't help or say anything to Joey. But you didn't say anything about me though so I see no problem.", Mai growled at my response and looked back to the duel. Tea looked a little down from my answer but saying it wasn't impossible may have cheered her up a bit, and possibly me talking back to Mai.

"Play every monster you got. My dragon has enough firepower to turn your whole deck into a smoldering pile of ash!", Joey looked like he was about to almost give up. "Yo, Joey! You may not have the monster to beat that thing, but you got the smarts.", Tristan. "We're not giving up on you, Joey.", - Yugi. "Don't forget. Dueling's more about heart than strength.", - Tea. "Now show this lizard what you're made of.", - Tristan. Joey nodded to his friends and drew his next card. He looked amazed to what he drew, I wonder what he-- "Yeah, that's it, Joey. Slap down another card for my red-eyes to fry up.",- Rex.

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