Yugi vs Weevil

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After we arrived at duelist kingdom, getting off the boat I saw the group meet up.  After them, I looked around to see that this island was bigger than I expected.  I better head up to the castle I see ahead.  As soon as I said that, one of Pegasus's men came.

"Welcome all duelists, please follow the stairs to meet your host.", he urged us on to the stairs.

I better let the gang head up first since there in more need to win than me.  I stayed a few feet away from them but I also wanted to see some of the other duelists to see who I could challenge.

Up ahead, Tea made a stop and looked to the side.  I didn't know what it was but I stepped up closer to hear what she saw.  "What do you see Tea?", Yugi asks as she notices something.  "It looked like Bakura.", she says pointing the way.  I look to see and there he was.  I was only able to see him hide behind the trees.  The others didn't see him, and Tea was thinking she was imagining things.  After they kept going, he appeared again and only I saw him this time.

*(!) Strange.... I sense something from him.  !!! Could it be... (!)*

I moved aside my thoughts and kept going up, and decided to deal with him later.

The castle was right in front and everyone was waiting below the balcony.

"Wow, look that's Weevil Underwood, he's the regional champion.  And that's the runner up, Rex Raptor.  And there's Mako Tsunami, he was ranked third. ", I hear a couple of kids talking to themselves about the other contestants.

Yugi POV

I was hearing some kids talking about some of the other players here who are also famous.

"Wow, these are all the best duelists in the world.", - kid A.  "Hey if that's true, maybe they are here too.", - kid B.  "Hmm, who are you talking about?", kid A asked.  "Well, it's just a rumor I sometimes hear at school.  But there is a duelist who's also really good.  They travel the world dueling, even been in a couple of world tournaments.", kid A explained.  "Woah, who is it?," kid B was excited.  "I don't know, but they call them the "hidden duelist.", - kid A.

*(!) Huh..?  Hidden duelist?  I've never heard of them. (!)*

"But, hey where's the world champion, Kaiba?", kid B asked.  "Didn't you hear, some kid beat him.  On his own turf too.", kid A explained.  "Are you serious?  I thought Kaiba was the best.", - kid B.  "He was, but not anymore.  Yugi is the kid to supposed to beat now.", as I heard this it was a little embarrassing.

Kyra POV

As I heard them talk about me for a second, it was a bit embarrassing but I did my best not to give myself away.

"Attention, please gather around.  Your benevolent host is anxious to greet you all.", the head lackey announces his presence.  A minute later, he appeared above the balcony.

As I see him, it brings me back to when I first met him.

*(!) Just don't think this'll be the last time we meet, you'll come back soon enough. (!)*

I hated it that he was right about me coming back, but I'll make him regret that I did.

"Greetings duelists, I am Maximilian Pegasus.  It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to the duelist kingdom.  You stand before me, the world's greatest duelists.  But come tournaments end, only one shall be crowned king of games.  I implore you all to assemble your dueling decks with care, with creativity and with cunning.  For this competition will test your skills like never before.", as he says this everyone, including Yugi looked to their decks hoping theirs will take them to the number one spot. 

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