Something Amiss! Yugi vs Ghost Kaiba!

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What we all saw was something that was hard to process...... Kaiba. Or at least what looked like Kaiba.

"Yugi, you don't have a ghost of a chance beating Kaiba because this time he is a ghost.", - Kemo. "A ghost?", - Yami. "Stop it, Kemo!", cried Mokuba. "It's a fact. 2 witnesses saw him fall to his doom.", - Kemo. Everyone gasped to what he said and so did I but something isn't right about what he said. "Liar! Take back what you said!", - Mokuba. "Get used to it. All that's left of Kaiba are your memories. Plus a very cranky ghost just looking for revenge.", - Kemo. "That's not him!", - Yami. "Well, he's seem better days. It's time to duel with the ghoul.", - Kemo. "It can't be. That guy's nothing but a fake, a trick by Pegasus.", - Yami. That's the feeling I have but I feel there's more to this than meets the eye and my blue-eyes won't stop shining, it's hard to contain its glow. But I also get the feeling Pegasus will be watching this. Yugi reached to the platform and I await what happens in this duel. "Yugi, you look like you've seen a ghost.", - ghost Kaiba. "That's enough!", - Yami. "I am no longer of this world, and it's all because of you. I could have had it all, but when you beat me, you took more than just the match. You stole my life and destroyed my soul.", - ghost Kaiba. "You're nothing but an imposter, so stop the lies and let's start the duel.", - Yami. "Fine with me. This time, you won't beat my cards.", - ghost Kaiba. "You might look like Kaiba, but there is no way you can imitate his deck.", - Yami. "You mean my deck.", - ghost Kaiba. Yugi growled to the that response. "Beat him Yugi. He's nothing but a fake!", says Mokuba. Soon the others were encouraging him as well. I for sure believe in him because my gut feeling is telling me it's not Kaiba. "Kemo, once I beat Yugi, Pegasus can have Kaiba Corporation. All I want is revenge. 3 stars says I win.", - ghost Kaiba. "Fine by me. That means whe the duel's done, I'll have 6!", - Yami. "Let's duel.", - ghost Kaiba.

Ghost Kaiba 2000/ Yami 2000

"Guess I'll go first. And I'll start off with the hitotsu-me giant.", Yugi looked surprised to see the same monster Kaiba played in their duel. "Mmm. Is something wrong? It's your turn to move Yugi.", - ghost Kaiba. "There's a card just like that in my brother's deck.", - Mokuba. That's nothing, hitotsu-me gaint is one of the most common cards in duel monsters, for all we know he just made an imitation deck like Kaiba to psych Yugi out. But Yugi didn't looked fooled and soon played his dark magician. "Dark magic attack!", soon hitotsu-me giant was destroyed. "So much for your giant.", - Yami.

Ghost Kaiba 700/ Yami 2000

"You're as strong as ever, Yugi.", he just chuckles to himself. Something isn't right and now I have a really bad feeling.


"It's funny how things have come full circle, Yugi. What are you thinking in that feeble brain of yours right now? I bet I know. You've come to the conclusion that no matter what, there's no way you can win, and you couldn't be more right. Even a simpleton like you now knows that I must be Seto Kaiba, and once you accept that fact, you may as well accept defeat.", - ghost Kaiba. Well see if that's really true or not in a moment. "I don't care who you are, you're going to lose to me just the same.", - Yami. "But, Yugi, you barely beat me the last time we dueled. And this time, your big advantage is gone.", ghost Kaiba. Oh no, does he know? "What do you mean?", - Yami. "Heh heh. Exodia. You've lost exodia.", - ghost Kaiba. "You could only beat me with exodia in your deck and without it, you can only lose.", - ghost Kaiba. "That's enough!", after I shouted everyone looked to me as I glared at him. "It's true, he doesn't have exodia anymore but it doesn't mean he lost automatically.", - Kyra. "Hmm, and what makes you think he'll win without it.", - ghost Kaiba. "Because there's more to a deck than just one big monster. If you fight with your all and all of your deck there's no way to lose, even against the mightiest monsters.", I continue to glare at him. Of course he continued to grin as if he wasn't listening to me but he'll learn. Yugi smiled at my words and face ghost Kaiba again. "Are you here to play head games or duel monsters? It's time for your move.", - Yami. "And it's gonna blow your mind. This next card's a blast from the past, Yugi... with the emphasis on blast.", he showed the blue-eyes white dragon card in his hand. Yugi gasped to what he couldn't believe. "I attack with the blue-eyes white dragon.", the blue-eyes appeared before our very eyes. "Only one deck has got that card.", - Joey. Speaking of deck, mine shined furiously and I could hear the cry of my blue-eyes furiously. Not only that but my dragon spirit of White is angry as well.

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