59 || Hail Hydra || 🔪

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Schmidt must have his bases all over the world; after a flight that took several hours from our precious time, we finally arrive in Russia, close to the village we will find them in, or rather, in the surrounding area to our opposite. The nearest bigger city is Samara, but since we are very much deeper in the countryside, it has been no problem at all to land on one of the numerous fields without destroying all too much nature. 

Still wearing the suit made of blood, the others neither had a chance to change their outfits. Only Tony, who can simply put off the metal shield around himself, has brought anything else to wear. It seemed only to disturb Sam, being the one to complain about the lack of fitting clothing inside Tony's private jet.

Problems I have no time for. At some point, the receiving of wounds stopped for James. I could detect no more injuries, no fresh cuts, not even breaking skin. Nonetheless, my entire body feels as sore as a steamroller dressed like a morning star just buried me. I have to get to him, have to save him. The knowledge of him not being under Hydra's control is a little ease, but it does not do all too well not knowing what is really going on. Are they punishing him for not listening? Did they find out? Are they going to try for a new trigger? The thoughts spin in my head ever since James left, and I fear that soon, they will start giving me headaches.

Shaking my head, I am the first to step down the metal stairs of the plain white jet. Wind greets me in a cold manner, brushing along both sides of my face as if even it was underneath Hydra's control and tried to get me away, or rather, the others, and me right into their open arms. Squeezing my eyes, I take in the environment; a field of mud, no seeds inside yet although we almost are in May, the sky clouded in a bright white. No sign for rain, but no sign for sun, either. »C'mon, we don't have all day. Stick to the plan.«

»You don't have to tell us. You better stick to the plan yourself and don't freak out as soon as you see the other lovebird.« Tony warns, a tone in his voice almost fatherly, preventing me from being mad at him for the choice of words.

I know what they all know. As soon as I see James and only a hair touched, I will burn this place down with everyone inside it. 

This time, the base is neither underneath the earth, nor invisible. The building, almost designed like an old warehouse in a washed white with hints of the unforgiving nature then and now, could also be just some poor factory's worker space. The creepiest thing though is the fact there are barely any windows; maybe four or five on the side we approach through the woods, and each of them a small slit, like a knife ran through the concrete and they tried stitching it up with glass.

In front of it, soldiers dressed in the familiar black armour walk up and down the aisle, numerous. Like it was an anthill. If I could, I would personally stamp on every single one of them for what they did to James. 

»Nova, calm down. You're igniting the bush.« Tony mumbles in his suit next to me. We built teams of two; Sam and Steve, Nat and Bruce, and him and me. I do not know yet if I am all too happy about it.

»Sorry« I press between clenched teeth, digging my hands deeper into the cool soil. Steam rises from the spots my hands are in, the earth above completely drying. At least, I cool down a little, adapting to the temperature of the ground.

»Y'all ready?« the man next to me whispers, the mask of his suit pulling down by itself.

A collective yes chimes through the speakers, Steve's more urgent than anyone else's. »Then show us what this power of yours can do, Miss Callan.« the Iron Man sing-songs, head hidden behind the bushes next to mine, yet seeing everything in our front entirely clear.

»With great pleasure, for once.« I hiss, and then start to let my mind roam around.

One could compare it to the radar in airplanes. With knowing the exact position of the others, no mistake can enter the plan for now. It is like blindly tapping along the surface of a table, softly, until your fingers brush along an object, the only object, and you know you found the orange. Everything else you must to is to grab it for the mission to be completed.

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