20 || GPS

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James's pace towards us is rather cautiously, stocky. He crosses the street when no cars are incoming, and greets me with a tight hug. »Thanks for the breakfast.« he whispers, giving me a quick peck on my cheek and releasing me after.

Internally, I start crying because of his scent not embracing me tightly anymore.

»Steven Rogers« I hear from right next to me, and soon enough, they both shake hands.

»James Barnes.«

»What are you doing here?« I ask, but I do not get a respond. In a strange way, they both stare at each other like big cats circling themselves shortly before a fight. »Jamie?«

»I«, he glances down at me, not seeming to care about me accidentally using his nickname in front of Captain America. He probably thinks he will not ever see him again, so he does not need to bother. »was on my way to get something for a friend from work.«

»For his sister's birthday?« Somehow James's eyes tell me he needs rescue. I do not know why or how, maybe he is intimidated by that Super Soldier in front of him, but I think I rather release him.

He nods, and I can see his pupils widen when I wrap my arms around his torso. Instantly, his arm lays on my shoulder, the other one on my waist, like automatism. Again, butterflies spread in my stomach like light in a shady room, his eyes finally not glued to the blonde in his front anymore, but to the girl hugging him tightly. The material of his red shirt is thin though, and again, I wonder how his body can produce so much heat. »See you tomorrow?«

Bending down, he pulls me closer. »Are you«, his glare travels up and down my body shortly, examining me for any signs of pain, »fine?«

My breath hitches for a moment, my brain repeating what he is worried about in steamy memories. It costs me a lot not to bite my lip. »Never been better.« I whisper, and a small grin hushes over his face. It is a slight one, but at least it is something getting his resting-bitch-face out of sight for a second.

»And without wanting me not to worry?« he asks, as if smelling I was not entirely honest.

»Walking hurts a little, but I'll get over it.«

Grinning, he places his forehead on mine. I almost forget Steve stands right next to us, and I think James forgot the second I called him Jamie. »That's my girl. Taking it like a champ.« Before I can realize what he just said, I am kissed shortly on my mouth, my lips prickling warmly under the touch. I really need to start working on the speed of my information-processing.

Then, he releases me, and the cold embraces me like having been waiting for the protection of mine to get away.

»Have a nice day.« James adds, before starting to walk away. This time, with a quick pace.

»Barnes!« Steve suddenly yells, and I shrug, not expecting this at all. James did not neither, turning around with a confused expression. »You better treat that girl right and don't lose her.« And with that, Steve pushes the last half of his burrito into the trash can and stalks off into the opposite direction.

Later, back at the Tower, he excuses himself to pay a friend of him a visit.

He stands in my corridor, his shoulders and jaw tensed, his glare stern. He may does not say a word, but that is enough. I know what he is outraged about, and I cannot blame him. I would be out of my mind if I found out something like that about my best friend as well.

»Coffee?« I try a cautious smile, but his eyes only harden. No coffee, then.

»What the hell are you thinking?« he says reproachfully, reducing the distance between us.

Secretive - Bucky BarnesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ