Chapter 49: Arise Great Country! Part 2

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(Song: Arise, Great Country from WarThunder)

3rd Person POV

As the sun began to rise the allied army was stronger and almost outnumbered the remaining FOA army, naval ships flowed down the Mississippi River and when they were in range, they fired missiles aimed directly at certain FOA strongpoints. Helicopters and jets continued to fly over the city dropping bombs and firing missiles, the British AC-130 gunship was back and ready to rain hell on the city but more specifically the St. Louis Union Station.

The crew inside the gunship aimed all three guns at the station, getting the permission to fire, the 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm guns unleashed hell upon the station the shells ripped through the station turning soldiers inside were turned to jelly or red mist.

Allied soldiers on the ground pushed through every obstacle FOA put before them, the most chaotic scenes were when hordes of FOA soldiers launched bayonet charges sometimes the allied soldiers who join in and run straight at the enemy with bayonets equipped. By now it finally got through some soldiers heads and some officers heads that this battle was lost and surrendered themselves and their men.

Zulu Team were exceptionally well for themselves being able to sneak up behind the enemy and annihilate them quickly, Jose and Pedro had the opportunity and hopped inside a German Huey as gunners. Together they fired streams of bullets at FOA street fortifications and buildings that housed FOA snipers, needless to say Jose was having the time of his life.

With the others they were held up taking cover from a T-600 that was hellbent on killing them, "Nico smoke!" Rafael shouted to the man who tossed two smoke grenades blinding the tank crew, but they fired blindly into the smoke. Nico and Rafael sprinted towards the monster tank with charges, stopping underneath the tank they stuck the charges to the legs of the tank and ran away. "Blow it!" Nico yelled to Darius with the detonator, pressing the red button the charges exploded and the hull of the tank fell to the ground with a thunderous crash.

Swarming the tank, the team boarded the vehicle and made quick work, the hatch flung open revealing the tank commander ready to shoot but Brooklyn was quicker slicing his head clean off, now with the hatch open the team pulled the pin off grenades and tossed them inside. Getting a safe distance, the team listened as the grenades popped and then the ammo depot explode flames shot from the hatch like a hell was reaching out.

Cheering at their success, they had to move on and advance with the allied army who were mere hours away from destroying the entire FOA military and securing the Mississippi River. While Zulu Team was searching for a military unit to join up with, Darius stopped running and Brooklyn took quick notice of this and stopped the group. "Darius?" Brooklyn called out "Guys maybe we should find Rose and Jonathan, Rose was right we can't leave them" Darius said with confidence the group looked at each other questionably, "Ugh hell he's right we can't leave them" Brooklyn said, the others agreed and nodding to each other they started their search for them.

Back in the forest the two super humans were dealing bone shattering punches and were dealing super-heated flames that incinerated branches of the surrounding trees, Rose who running through the park trying to find the two was suddenly hit with a sudden blast of heat that made her weak and lightheaded, but she shook her head and continued running, suddenly she saw the flashes of fire in front of her and hid behind a tree. She listened as the two grunted and groaned as they fought, peaking from behind the tree she spotted Markov and eyeing her target she walked out from behind the tree and fired a burst at Markov who looked at her with annoyance and murder aimed his hand at her and her eyes widened before making a run for it. She felt the heat on her back as flames nearly toucher her, the flames suddenly stopped when Jonathan punched Markov on the back of the head and diverted Markov's attention back to her. "Rose run!" he shouted to her, but she didn't listen instead she fired at the Markov the bullets doing nothing but annoying him, "Hey asshole!" she yelled firing more shots at Markov, at this point Rose was doing hit and run tactics, run to a tree, shoot some round, and repeat.

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