Chapter 46: Crossing Over

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3rd Person POV

In the town of Mt Vernon, the remaining forces in the town were going about their day when a soldier patrolling around the town looked out towards the highway and stunned to see the highway filled to the brim with military vehicles, they were expecting a convoy from DC but nothing of this proportion. The convoy slowly came closer and went off the exit ramps in rows and entered the town, in Mt Vernon alone there around 2,000 soldiers but now with the convoy there were around 115,000 soldiers within the convoy arriving in town.

The red firetruck and RV parked themselves on a street that was empty but not for long, exiting their vehicles, they all rallied together in a big circle. "Alright run through of the plan one more time, I am crossing over with the special forces and killing Thunder after that you guys storm in and take control of the city" Jonathan briefed his friends once more who were all still worried for him. "That's all now I would suggest getting some rest while you still have the chance" he suggested, and they all stood for a moment before walking away, now it was just him and Rose.

"Could you wait a moment, I would like to check up on Brooklyn and Darius" Jonathan asked Rose who nudged him to go along.

Opening the RV door, he walked inside and was happy to see Brooklyn and Darius cuddled together however Darius's head twisted to see me standing at the door, "Come in, its okay" he whispered to which Jonathan quietly closed the RV door behind me. Standing before the couple he kneeled down and was upset to see Brooklyn was fast asleep but her eyes puffy from crying, glancing up to Darius he was stroking Brooklyn's hair smoothly, "How are you guys doing?" he asked Darius who sighed deeply, "Well... I'm not sure, I don't know how I feel but Brooklyn she's still very hurt, she knows it was wrong to have a child right now, but it destroyed her" he said, and Jonathan nodded his head. "However, she is ready for battle and as a matter of fact she wants to kill every single one of them" he said a light smile on his face, feeling he has spent his time there Jonathan stood up, "Well I'll leave you two be" he said and opened the RV door, "Hey Jonathan, be safe when you have to go" Jonathan stared for a moment before sternly nodding and leaving the RV.

Opening the fire truck door and pulling himself in, the man found Rose sitting in the driver seat, "How are they, I've noticed Brooklyn has been looking depressed lately?" she asked him leaning her body against his and wrapping her arms around him. "That's the thing I should tell you about" he stated which got Roses full attention, "Before we were first sent out to Mt Vernon, Brooklyn got pregnant" Rose was shocked and could only mutter a 'wow'.

"Yeah when Darius told me I kind of scolded him for it but then when we were ambushed and Brooklyn set off into the forest that night, she of course got shot but that shot killed the baby" Jonathan said sadly, "Those bastards" Rose aimed her anger towards FOA, "That's why she's been so depressed lately... she's depressed at the loss of her kid also you cannot tell anyone this, just not yet" Jonathan warned Rose who patted his patted his thigh, "I can promise that".

Wrapping his arms around Rose the two of them held each other tightly eventually their eyes closing and drifting off to sleep.

Then they were startled awake when they heard the sound of pounding, their eyes saw the scene of military vehicles and soldiers scrambling somewhere. The trucks door opened, and Jose stood at the door, "Guys lets go, its time to go especially you Jonathan!" Jose shouted and ran off. Hopping out the vehicle the two ran with the flow of the crowd towards the town center, where the rest of Zulu Team was.

"Alright guys the time is now, stay safe out there" Jonathan wished them, but everyone looked at each other confused, "We should be wishing you stay safe out there" Rafael said, and Pedro patted his back, "Exactly stay safe Jonathan, kick that dudes ass" Pedro fist bumped Jonathan.

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