Chapter 33: Knocking on Hells Door

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Jonathan's POV

The convoy continued across Interstate 64 and to our confusion the two battalions that had attacked us were no where to be seen which was extremely bad news meaning they could've left and reported back to their superiors about us coming to them, all we can do is pray. Brooklyn along with Darius were sent back to Washington DC, Brooklyn was in good condition and will survive the journey back to DC but is knocked out cold and probably for a while. I played with my hands to distract my mind of what Darius would have to tell her when she awakes away from my head.

The ride was deafening quiet, I looked back at my friends, and they were all sleeping soundly. I slightly smiled at them and faced back forward, "Has anyone told you how much I love you?" Roses voice broke the silence and confused I looked at her, "Because I just want you to know how much I love you, to... Pluto and back" she said smiling and it forced one on my face. "Bottomline is Jonathan, I have never felt this close to someone before and I'm just glad I get to share it with you" my heart warmed, and I placed a hand on hers. "I'm glad I get to share it with you too" I said leaving her to drive the truck.

"All units, all units were stopping the convoy in a town named Mt. Vernon" the generals voice said over the radio, confused I opened a map and found Mt. Vernon, the town was approximately 70 miles away from St. Louis which didn't make any sense why we would just stop there instead of continuing to St. Louis but that's just me. As continued to get closer to town the convoy slowly came to a slow as the roads became cluttered with cars and military vehicles lined the sides of the roads. In the flat fields around us a fallen C-5 Galaxy littered the flat ground with tons of debris.

Carefully and steadily, we weaved through the crowded highway we reached an exit ramp that led straight into the town. The sight was all too familiar now, buildings destroyed, and the signs of massive fires were everywhere. "Its crazy right?" Rose said shaking her head, "What?" I asked, "We ran away from St. Louis together and now were running back" she said glancing at me with worried eyes. "It is but we'll be okay, we have help and we have each other" I said reassuring her and she merely nodded.

The convoy then came to a stop, APCs and LAVs drove away from the convoy to presumably find positions to protect the convoy from any threats. Opening the trucks door and hopping out, I stretched and took in the chilly winter atmosphere. Seeing the rest of friends still sleeping I rolled my eyes and opened the truck door, "Wake up sunshine!" I shouted into the truck abruptly waking everyone, "AH FUCK!" Pedro exclaimed his nerves racing. "Damn John we was sleeping" Nico said drowsy, "Well wake up the convoys stopped" I said, and Rafael raised an eyebrow, "St. Louis?" he asked, and I shook my head, "If it was St. Louis we be getting shot at right now".

A black Humvee pulled beside the truck and out stepped Jose, Timothy, and Rachel. "Hello not St. Louis" Timothy said with a disappointed tone, "Exactly bro I was looking forward to blowing FOA ass apart" Rachel said and that earned a weird eyebrow raise from Jose. The general climbed atop an armored vehicle and cleared his throat, "Everyone listen up were stopping in this town for a moment to rest and replenish before the big fight" he said, and everyone seemed to agree with him on that including us. Soldiers within the convoy took the time to rest and relax for the time they had; We however started a fire to warm ourselves against the winter cold, but the cold didn't even bother us as we talked and laughed.

St. Louis, Missouri

3rd Person POV

A FOA soldier handed Commander Zhao a scout report upon opening it Zhao read that an enemy convoy was heading towards their direction. Inhaling deeply Zhao looked up at the soldier who was still standing present, "Where are they?" Zhao asked the soldier, "We do not know sir" he stated then Zhao stood up from his seat, "Well I suggest you send a recon team to find them... and when you find them unleash project thunder on them!" Zhao ordered the soldier angrily; the soldier quickly nodded and left the room.

Rose's POV

"Oh, you're gay!" Rachel shouted at Timothy, why? Because we were playing charades. "What the fuck sis... I'm a goddamn elephant" Timothy said irritated making Rachel laugh out loud, "Okay who's next?" Jose asked but the happy mood was destroyed when General Ernesto walked up to us, "I need you and you to patrol around the town" he said pointing to me and Rachel. Sighing I grabbed my ACR and kissed Jonathan's cheek, as we were leaving, I pumped shoulders with the general, I could sense the hatred his eyes were directing at me. "Do you have a problem miss?" he asked irritated, I merely looked back "No Ernesto" I said making his name sound like a joke, "That's general Ernesto to you!" he yelled at me, but I rolled my eyes, "Whatever" I said flipping him off as I walked away.

"God that guy such a dick" Rachel stated as we wandered the streets aimlessly, "I still wanna kill him for kicking me in the ribs" I said touching my side which over time had become slightly bruised. "So, tell me sister, how are you and Jonathan?" Rachel asked teasingly which activated red cheeks, "Were doing great, we love each other a lot and... I don't know not a whole lot to say about us" I said shrugging my shoulders, "Too focused on the war?" Rachel inquired suddenly, in which I simply nodded. "Ah that's alright sister, eventually this whole thing will be over, and you and your lover boy can settle down and get down you know" Rachel nudged my shoulder, and my cheeks were burning hot at just the thought.

Rachels arm shot in front of me stopping me in my tracks, I looked at her confused and she had an emotionless face like she was listening for something. "Follow me" she whispered and started jogging towards a two-story building that had evidence of a fire, with me following close behind. Rachel ran inside the building and up the stairs, until she crouched in front of a window pulling me down with her. "Rachels what is it?" I whispered to her, she ignored me and pulled out small binoculars and looked through the shattered window in which her face paled and ducked down quickly. Seeing her freaked out made me uncomfortable and uneasy, "Rachel what is it?" I said again this time sternly. She handed me the binoculars and pointed for me to look, peaking through the same window I saw the window looked straight down a long road, placing the lenses to my eyes I saw them.

A huge FOA convoy was approaching the town, LAVs, armored vehicles, and worst of all titan tanks rolled down the streets with loads of soldiers walked alongside the convoy. "Oh my god" I said ducking back down quickly, "We have to warn everyone, Rachel" I said, and she nodded fast and together we ran fast out of the building.

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