Chapter 21: What Are We Gonna Do?

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3rd Person POV

The Next Day

Nico, Pedro, and Rafael were on their way to Baltimore to look for supplies for the settlement in the late evening blasting their favorite Brazilian songs while the trio sang out loud. Nico driving the truck came to a halt in the middle of the street and lowered the volume. "Okay so where should we go" Nico asked and Pedro pointed in the distance to a noticeably plane wing pointing upwards, "How about that plane hommie" Nico looked back to Rafael to hear his opinion, "I think its worth a shot" and with that Nico drove towards the crashed plane.

The city of Baltimore gave them all goosebumps or the creeps, the piles of rubble that belonged to tall buildings looked like hills of snow now. Most of the city was covered in snow but other forms of debris were still noticeable, they had to be cautious and alert when driving through all of it.

Eventually they made it to the plane and stepped out, they were all outfitted in winter gear with their military gear on, backpacks, and their guns. The plane was a 747 commercial airliner that must've been shot down. There were no markings on it instead it black like it had been burned, the windows were blown out with flame marks outside each one. The three exited the truck into the freezing cold and examined the plane to find an entrance, the main body of the plane was sideways with just enough room to fit inside the planes door. The cockpit of the plane was about 300 meters away from the main body and the tail section was nowhere to be seen. "Think this plane was shot down during the bombing or what?" Nico asked and Pedro shrugged, Rafael approached the plane and reached up to grab the doors ledge. With a grunt he lifted himself up and made it inside, "Come on boys don't just stand there" Rafael said and the two quickly made their way to the plane, Rafael lifted Nico easily and then it was Pedro's turn. "Jesus Pedro, you eat 200 enchiladas DAMN" Rafael groaned trying to lift Pedro, "Ah shit ill stay down here and scout or some shit, just go on" he said and the two went off to search for supplies.

Using flashlights to illuminate the dark interior, Rafael and Nico agreed to split up, Rafael would take the upper deck and Nico will take the lower deck. Turning into the lower deck of the plane Nico felt his soul leave, "HOLY SHIT!" he said falling to the ground, Rafael rushed back down to see what's going on. "What's happened?" Rafael asked and Nico pointed to the cabin to which Rafael flashed a flashlight into it and he too jumped but kept his cool, inside where maybe 300 burned and frozen corpses in the aisle, leaning up against the windows, slouched in their seats, or sitting up right most of them looking right at them. Rafael approached the corpses and looked at them more closely, they were so burned they unrecognizable, he couldn't even tell if the corpses were male or female.

"Alright get up Nico" Rafael helped Nico to his feet, "You good?" he asked, and Nico nodded, Nico's fedora that had fallen off and Rafael placed it back on his head. "Get a move on its freezing" Nico nodded and continued with his task.

Meanwhile outside the plane, Pedro was passing the time by doing a snow angel. Sitting up and looking at his masterpiece he chuckled to himself and was about to do it again until he heard... something. To him it sounded like the voices of people talking echoing throughout the landscape, it wasn't Nico's and Rafael's this was many voices and other sounds that sounded mechanical. To say Pedro was freaked out was an understatement, NO ONE should be out here besides them.

Pedro put his Ak-47 in hand and made his way to the noises. Slowly and steadily, he approached the area the noises getting louder and louder each step he took, he stayed low and behind cover as his winter gear wasn't all white. Ducking behind a brick wall he peaked over and felt his stomach sink far and his mouth fell agape, there he saw the division assigned to scout the city of Baltimore all socializing and taking a break.

Fallen America: Arise Great Country (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt