Chapter 31: Ambushed

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3rd Person POV

The convoy entered the city streets of Louisville where they stopped the convoy in the middle of the desolate city streets be careful of the rubble that littered the ground from the fallen buildings after the FOAB. Hopping out of the truck Jonathan immediately glanced at Brooklyn who had a hand over her stomach looking worried, Darius too looked at his girlfriend worried for her. "Jonathan help me with these gas cans" Nico called to Jonathan struggling to carry two large gas cans, which he jogged over to assist Nico. Rose got out of the truck and saw everyone was busy and had everything covered, so she wandered off to have some time to herself.

Rose's POV

Snow crunched underneath my feet as I walked and a light fog fell upon the city, mounds of snow came into view and walking up to one I examined it. From the outline it was car, and I found the window and curiously wiped the snow off the window and jumped back when the face of a dead person was leaned against the window. Their body was completely frozen and had a tint of blue on them, standing up and wiping the snow off myself I quickly walked away from the car.

I continued to walk until I was halted by massive piles of rubble and debris from the fallen buildings. Walking across it all would be a pain in the ass and be dangerous, so instead I turned back and headed back to the convoy.

"Are you, are you coming to tree"
"Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free"

I stopped when I heard a faint song that sounded as if it was all around me. I looked up and felt as of sound waves from another place we're echoing through our world. With uncomfortable silence and the feeling of being watched I sped walked back to the convoy.

Laying eyes on the convoy I saw that they were getting ready to move again, "Rose!" I looked to see Jonathan waving me over to the fire truck. Hopping in and closing the door I let my mind think about the rumbling sound I heard, "You see a ghost of something?" he asked me jokingly, "Um no I heard something... It sounded like rumbling from something in the city" I said the worry in my voice clear as day, "Hey I'm sure it was probably from the convoy, I'm sure its nothing to worry about" he said rubbing my shoulder, I felt reassured but the mystery of it made me continue to think about it.

The convoy passed over a bridge that made odd noises that made everyone nervous thinking it would collapse under all the weight. As the convoy moved across the bridge, a bridge opposite of us had collapsed and was filled with cars that had been long abandoned. "Jonathan command says to advance were going to follow Interstate 64 it will lead us straight into St. Louis" Darius said from the back, "Good to know Darius thank you" Jonathan responded. Turning back to look back at everyone, I saw Darius with a headset on listening to the radio conversations with the convoy and Nico and Pedro were having a conversation while Rafael continued to sleep. Looking to my lover I saw he was looking ahead on the road, both hands on the wheel ready to quickly turn if needed. I could tell by that face that inside he was jumping around excited about driving a fire truck but outside he looked normal, as cliché as it is I love him, and I wish to be his forever.

He turned to face me and caught me looking at him, "What?" he asked slightly chuckling, "Nothing" I said focusing my attention back to the road. Watching the road, I noticed the convoy turning onto a highway that we would be taking, and it was just our luck that this side of the highway was had some cars while the other side was completely packed with cars feeling East several areas of the packed highway looked blown up with burned out cars, scorch marks, and debris all over the place. "Man... all they wanted was some safety" Darius whispered sad seeing the sight, my eyes fell on Nico and Pedro who were visibly disturbed at the sight. Still looking at the packed highway I noticed something up ahead inside the endless lines of cars, it looked like people peaking their heads from cover. I leaned in closer trying to see more clearly, "What do you see Rose?" Jonathan asked looking in the direction I'm looking at, "I'm not sure but I swear I saw people".

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