Chapter 44: New Plan

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Jonathan's POV

Its been 3 days since Rose reunited with her parents and I couldn't be happier for her, but I was not allowed to stand by and watch, Rose made me sit down and talk to her parents which was difficult to do because I wasn't prepared for that. I proceeded to tell them about myself, leaving out my past and power, after that me and Rose told our story and our journey across America.

They were fascinated by our story and how we survived together, they were proud to hear of what their daughter had become over the years, a strong woman who is risking her life to fight for the land she was born in.

But now we had more important things to take care of, since the allies at St. Louis failed to take the city and were forced to retreat because of Thunder and with general Ernesto now taken away from his power the slot was open. Currently the Zulu Team and I were in the White House with David and the President of the United States.

"Guys this is President of the United States, President Beck" David introduced us to the second African American president. Beck walked over to us, and each individually shook our hands, "Its an honor to meet you Mr. President" I said when he got to me, "It's an honor to meet you young soldier" he smiled greatly to me, and I smiled back feeling this was unreal. "David these are all soldiers, right?" Beck asked, "They are indeed, I helped them train to fit the specialties they have" Beck nodded, "Amazing that these young people are fighting for their home... lets get down to business, we need to make a plan for attacking St. Louis, we still have our foothold at Mt. Vernon" Beck said looking at a map on a desk.

"Mr. President we have the numbers, its just one problem" David sighed, "They have a super soldier, one who shoots lightning from their hands" Beck was visibly shaken by the news, "How could have FOA found or built or whatever such a thing" Beck tapped his hands on the desk, David looked at me and by his face I could tell what he was thinking, and I hesitated but nodded back to him.

"Mr. President there is only one option of how we could take down that super soldier" Beck looked at David with curious eyes, "I'm listening".

"There are actually two super soldiers and one of them is here with us right now" Beck should've been afraid, but he looked at us with hope, "Which one?" Beck asked and David walked over to me, "I don't think I asked for your name son" Beck said now standing in front of me. "My names Jonathan Mr. President... I was captured at Mt. Vernon by the other super soldier named Thunder, he took me to St. Louis; they beat me and other unspeakable things, they broke me and forced the power into me and used a mind control serum to make me one of them" I said fighting hard against tears, Beck's eyes were sorrowful, "I'm sorry that happen to you my boy" a gentle hand was placed on my hand shoulder by Beck, "But Mr. President I am willing to take on Thunder one on one, with Thunder gone the allies can bulldoze through St. Louis and secure the Mississippi" I said firmly and Beck hesitated at first but he nodded and thanked me for my bravery, my friends however glancing at them I could see worry in their eyes.

"We still need a general to lead the allied army"

"You David" Beck said


"I select you David to lead the allied army"

David gulped and nodded, "Yes Mr. President" he said, "While you are leading the army David, I wish to retake my position as president of the United States" David nodded, "Of course Mr. President, she's all yours" Beck shook hands with David and cleared his throat, "Zulu Team I suggest you prepare yourself for the attack when it will be is unknown but rest assured me and David will work on a new plan for attacking St. Louis" we all nodded and saluted to the commander in chief and left the White House together.

Outside the air was cool and the streets were mostly empty due to the soldiers being inside resting or simply have nothing to do. "You guys want to go to the Lincoln Memorial steps like old times?" Darius asked and we happily agreed.

Everyone sat down with a grunt, "Ah just like old times" Timothy said laying his head back, "You said it bro" Rachel high-fives her twin brother. "Hey just curious where is the battleship, I have not heard anything about that ship since DC was attacked" Rose wondered and Darius turned back to face her, "Oh the allies towed the ship away, to Britain where it will be rearmed and sent back here" he said and we all 'ooh'd' at the news of the mighty battleship being given the weapons she needs to help us fight the federation.

Suddenly Timothy and Rachel swarmed around me and stared me in the eyes, "Can you show us your powers?" they asked in unison. Reluctant at first, I opened my hands wide, and fire manifested in them, shocking everyone besides Rose at the thing that was seen in movies and shows but never in real life. "So cool!" Timothy said excited and stupidly tried to touch my palm and ended up burning himself making laugh at him. "Where does such a thing come from?" Brooklyn asked, in which I shrugged my shoulder's, "Your guess is as good as mine, I think its from a lost advanced civilization" I stated my opinion.

"Jonathan?" the voice of Brooklyn silenced everyone and looked at me, "Are you really going to face Thunder by yourself?" she asked, and I looked at each of my friends and saw the worry in their eyes, I understood their worry and I myself was scared but I had to do this in order to make sure the allies push past St. Louis. There just isn't another way.

"I have too, that's all I can say" I said and to turn the conversation to something brighter and fun, "Hey Jose... TAG YOUR IT!" Rose tapped Jose's shoulder and like kids on a playground, we all scattered away from Jose while he scrambled to get up almost falling down the steps. A massive chase ensued across the city as we chased each other laughing like high people, we played and played until together we collapsed on the cold grass of the Washington Monument grounds. "I love you guys!" Brooklyn shouted and hugged many of us laying on the ground, that was the first time since the forest I have heard Brooklyn excited and laugh. "Doug, we love ya too" Pedro said hugging Brooklyn tightly the two of them laughing, everyone was hugging each other and laughing. Me and Rose however laid on the grass just the two of us holding hands and looking up into the cold sky.

Rose twisted her head to looked at me and so did I, "I love you American" she said warmly, "I love you too Jewel" the two of us stared into each other's eyes until we made a move on each other and kissed each other. When we broke away, she continued to look at me in the eyes, "Do you remember what I said when you and I were in that town I think named Vincennes and I almost fell inside that basement?" I nodded my head, "Remember when I said we were chained together?" I nodded again, "Are we still chained together?" she asked, and I chuckled, "Forever and always" I said and kissed her forehead.

"Hey lovebirds don't think were leaving you out of this!" Pedro said sliding down on the ground and smothering us in hugs followed by everyone else causing a huge mosh pit.

3rd Person POV

The following night Rose and Jonathan resided in their room getting ready for bed when Rose noticed Jonathan was trying to hide his chest and back while changing his shirt. "Jonathan" Rose said concerned and he tried his best to cover himself while looking at her questionably, "What are you hiding?" Rose asked standing up from the bed. "I'm just trying to change my shirt fast so we can get to sleep already" she raised an eyebrow at him and approached him, "What did they do to you?" she asked him firmly and Jonathan's eyes were hesitant and reluctant as a matter of fact he looked ashamed.

Jonathan sighed sadly and pulled the shirt he was using as cover away and revealed to Rose the two branding marks on his chest, the star of FOA and the dragon. Rose traced her fingers across the branding marks, shocked by the horrible action they did to him. "They own me Rose" Jonathan's words made Rose grab his hands, "No they don't, meaning they branded you doesn't mean you belong to them... you are one of us and always will be" she kissed his cheek to assure him, "Come let's rest for the night" she said and pulled the half better Jonathan into bed to finally get sleep.

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