Chapter 24: Miracle, or No?

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Jonathan's POV

I opened my eyes to a pitch-black room, there was an object in my arms and moving. "Rose?" I whispered her name and in response I heard a "hmm" and that confirmed it, me and Rose were cuddled together in one of our rooms. I laid my head back down and stayed there in the dark and only listening to Roses quiet breathing. A few minutes went by of the peaceful quiet until there was knocking at the door, I looked at Rose and slowly and carefully removed my arms around her and stood up from the bed.

I hastily walked to the door and opened it, seeing Brooklyn out of breath.

"What's happening?" I asked her worried thinking FOA was just minutes away, "We need to get to the bunker its almost time to contact Britain, we need to go!" she said, and my heartrate accelerated, "Okay we'll get ready we'll meet you guys at the White House" I said, and she nodded and took off running. Closing the door, I ran back to the room Rose was in which was my room. Rushing in, Rose woke looking frightened from the sudden running, "Rose we need to go" I said to her, and she was already getting out of bed, "Is it them?" she asked, and I shook my head, "No, no its almost time for Britain to contact us again, quickly we need to get to the White House.

David, I, and the group were in the bunker again the next day and everyone in the settlement was waiting outside the White House fence anticipating the news of whether we will get help or perish at the hand of the advancing FOA divisions.

Mine and Roses hand were intertwined with each other waiting to hear Britain's voice, I looked to everyone else. Darius was sitting in the seat in front of the mic with Brooklyn standing beside him holding his hand, Jose's right elbow was resting in his left hand while he nervously bit his nails, Timothy and Rachel were both sitting on the concrete ground back-to-back; visibly nervous, and David was taking deep breathes to probably calm his racing heart.

"Washington come in Washington"

A British voice filled the room, and everyone snapped their heads up to the radio, Darius reacted quickly and pushed the talk button. "We hear you... what's the news?" Darius said cutting straight to the point, "We listened to your plea, and we will help you" my chest was full of butterflies hearing words that might have well been the voice of God. "But that's not all, we Brits aren't the only people..." I raised an eyebrow but at the same time I felt a smile form on my face.

"The following nations have joined us in aiding you, Ireland, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Ukraine, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and Lithuania have all agreed to help you guys in the fight against FOA and taking back your country"

I wrapped my arms around Rose, and we were both speechless as a matter of fact everyone was speechless. I never expected such generosity from the Europeans, they are willing to go out of their way to fight against the largest military power on earth at the risk of losing their countries.

"You don't know how much this means to us as the last people of the United States" Darius said and the man on the other side chuckled, "I completely forgot... you guys aren't the last Americans... we have one of your aircraft carriers... USS George Washington I believe the name is"

The room fell silent, this whole time we thought we were the last ones and we had hope that Americans had evacuated the United States, but we were wrong. "H-h-how many?" Darius asked, "From our reports there are 300,000 Americans in Canada and here in Britain we have about 2,000, your president is here as well he managed to escape here on USS George Washington" everyone's hearts were about to explode out of our chests from the excitement and complete turn of imminent doom to a miracle sent from God himself.

"You're probably wondering when we'll be there were estimating in about 3 days, most of everything is already prepared for the journey but we need more planning and strategizing... you guys need to hang in there we'll be there as soon as we can, out" the transmission ended and everyone was left shocked and speechless, everything felt like a dream now, but this was real so very real.

I looked to Rose to see her crying tears of pure joy and clinging to me, "What do we do now?" Jose asked David who was beyond happy, "I'll tell the people, follow me" David walked to the bunker entrance, and we all followed. "I still can't believe it" Timothy said, and his sister tugged on his ear, "OW!" Timothy shouted in pain and his sister smiled at him, "Well you're not dreaming" Rachel made a snarky smile to her brother. "Finally, those fuckers will get what they deserve" Brooklyn muttered clenching her fists, those awful memories must've been flashing in her mind, but Darius was there beside his girlfriend to calm her. This really is a turning point for all of us.

Outside on the front lawn on the other side of the fence all the people were there waiting for the news, David stood close to the fence and plastered on his face was excitement that seemed to lift everyone's mood. "People I have the news you've all been waiting for, the British have agreed to help us" everyone erupted in a cheer but David silenced the crowd by spreading his arms out, "But that's not all, several countries have also agreed to help us and as we speak 300,000 Americans are in Canada AND one of our aircraft carriers USS George Washington evacuated 2,000 Americans to Britain, the allies will be here in 3 days tops until then we'll hold out!" the first cheer was loud but the second was the loudest.

My friends broke out in yelling and celebrating, me and Jose clasped our hands together, Timothy and Rachel headbutted each other, Brooklyn grabbed Darius by the collar and kissed him deeply, and Rose jumped on my back.

But eventually the celebrating stopped when loud tire screeching silenced the crowd and unfortunately for us, we couldn't see what was happening, but someone was yelling. "David, David, David!!" a woman was yelling David's name in which he rushed to the fence and there the woman yelling pushed through the crowd and pressed herself up against the fence face to face with David. I recognized her she was a scout leader David sent her out like yesterday. Her face was bloodied, a massive gash went from her forehead to her cheek that was leaking blood and mixed with the blood was dirt. "Abby, what happened?" David asked as he grabbed her shoulders through the gate, "Their coming, their coming their almost here".

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