Chapter 39: Battle of The Mississippi

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3rd Person POV

In the early morning, the order to fire was given...

Altogether, MLRs, M109s, M777s, M119s, AS-90s, and dozens more fired their weaponry at the city. Meanwhile the allies at Mt. Vernon and the other armies waiting in the north and south mobilized as quick as possible. Zulu Team started their vehicles, Rose would drive Jonathan's fire truck into battle with Nico, Pedro, and Rafael while Rachel, Timothy, and Jose will be in Jotchua. Rose steadied her beating heart, she prayed over and over that Jonathan is in St. Louis waiting for them to rescue him, she felt an arm on her shoulder and saw Rafael reaching from the cabin and giving a warm smile, telling 'its alright' Rose nodded and feeling the adrenaline she switched on the lights and pressed down on the accelerator.

Planes from the airstrip launched into the sky, specifically Panavia Tornados, 2 A-10 Thunderbolts found in a hangar still operational, Typhoons, Gripens, F-35s, and Vulcan bombers along with dozens of Apache, Eurocopter, A129, and Viper attack helicopters.

In St. Louis word of the advancing allies spread like wildfire, FOA pilots at St. Louis Lambert International Airport scrambled to their aircraft and took to the skies in J-20s, Su-57s, KF-21s, Su-25s, Su-47s followed with Z-10, Ka-25, and Mi-28 attack helicopters. FOA soldiers within the city sprinted to their places and prepared for the attack but then the allied artillery finally rained down on the city. bodies along with gore were flung in the air, artillery rounds struck buildings housing supplies or soldiers, and much more destruction. Blaze and Thunder readied themselves for the incoming enemies, "Ready for your first battle as one of us?" Thunder asked Blaze who nodded sternly while attaching forearm braces that housed blades inside. The two super soldiers walked outside just in time as all the artillery ceased but it wasn't over yet, up above the planes dropped bombs over the city creating thunderous explosions, a bomb landed near the two but they stood there unaffected by the explosion, "I'll take care of them" Thunder said and used his powers to zoom into the sky, unlike Thunder Blaze couldn't fly with his powers and had to resort to walking, running, or driving.

Blaze saw Markov standing amongst the destruction, "Sir we need to get you to safety" Blaze offered his leader, but the man laughed, "Have you forgotten, I have powers too... I'm staying, you on the other hand go and kill them all" Blaze nodded his head and taking his ballistic mask which wasn't on before slipped it on and ran off towards the enemy. Markov watching Blaze run off with great speed, the facility was in threat of possibly being attacked directly by the allies so Markov along with Zhao were driven to the airport where their secondary command center was. Entering the airport and walking fast he found himself inside a mission control room with several personnel working with large screens on the wall. The personnel upon unexpectedly seeing their leader shot up from their seats and saluted their Overlord, "Sit down... I need a nano drone to follow codename: Blaze" Markov ordered the workers who wasted no time deploying a nano drone to follow Blaze quickly with the help of the tracking device implanted into Blaze.

The allied air power were being blasted out of the sky by Thunder and his powers, the Vulcan bombers and Tornados were long gone, and it was now the fighters attacking Thunder, but their troubles got way worse when FOA jets screamed up at them and engaged the allies. Thunder seeing the jets fighting decided it be best if he went back down to the city and fight there.

While artillery continued to rain down on the city distracting the FOA military, Rose approached Martin Luther King Bridge with the rest of the advancing army. She caught a glimpse of what used to be Eads Bridge and the memory of her and Jonathan running across the bridge and her rescuing him flashed in her mind, but she shook it off and focused on entering the city. The allied soldiers stormed as quick as possible across the bridge; attack helicopters struck fortifications on the other end of the bridge to weaken the FOA defenses.

Tanks were the first to go across the bridge to flatten any abandoned cars in the way so the vehicles behind can cross over easily. Rose followed close behind Jotchua, the truck bumped up and down as the truck traversed over flatten cars, across the river Rose noticed the enemy were trying to destroy the bridges supports but the attack helicopter caught onto their plans and obliterated them.

A sense of hope and courage rushed through every soldier as the first tank successfully crossed the bridge into St. Louis causing soldiers to start sprinting across the bridge. Rose finally got across the bridge was hit by a flood of emotions and memories, Jonathan and her running across the bridge to escape and them laying eyes on each other for the first time. She shook her thoughts and turned the fire truck sharply to the right down an intersection that was void of any enemy activity, "Get out!" Rose shouted and everyone hopped out of the truck guns in hand. "Where to Rose?" Nico asked but before she could answer the shape of a black Humvee skidded from around the corner and stopped in front of them violently. Jose opened the door and stepped out, "Hey guys" he said quickly, Rachel and Timothy stepped out together, everyone gathered around to hear someone say something or have a plan.

"Okay listen... we can't find Jonathan right now, we have to push back FOA so more allies can cross over" Rose said, and the team nodded, "Fuck yeah let's do it!" Jose said excited and got back inside his Humvee followed by Timothy and Rachel who like twins fought for the gunner seat. Rose, Nico, Pedro, and Rafael would continue on foot.

The city battle was violent and bloody, FOA soldiers hid machine gun or sniper positions inside buildings while artillery guns were hidden inside ground level shops or offices. Allied tanks shelled the buildings, until the infamous T-600 tank showed up in numbers, the allies were of course prepared to come face to face with these monsters and equipped anti-tank weapons. At times when a titan tank was downed or immobilized some allied soldiers would pull a Saving Private Ryan and rush the tank, at one incidence a German soldier immobilized a titan with his Panzerfaust 3 and a group of soldiers rushed the tank and climbed on top of it, force the hatch open and threw grenades inside.

At some point the allies managed to push the enemy back into the city and the allies gladly followed them into the city causing groups of soldiers to spread out and cause a massive city-wide battle.

Jose's POV

My hands tapped the wheel as my eyes stared ahead, I had to hide my Humvee as a small FOA patrol was passing and my friends were going to ambush it. Night was a few hours away and the battle continued to rage on.

I jumped when I heard an explosion from I assuming Timothy or Rachel then a series of gunfire erupted, all I could see were the flashes from the gunfire and shouting. Then they stopped and from the alley corner I could see my friends emerging victorious, they waved a hand at me, and I waved back smiling. Using my hand, I switched the radio back on since I turned it off to reduce noise and I heard a conversation between multiple soldiers that piqued my interest.

"Mate I'm not kidding, there is another super soldier"

"Ethan this no time for your jokes and pranks, there is a war raging on'

"Sarge this time I'm not playing, I swear to God there is another one besides the one with lightning"

"I think... he's telling the truth sarge"

"Alright then where is it?"

"Its... uh... near Tower Grove Park"

My eyes widened and I switched off the radio, I rushed to find a map and I found it. Using my memory, I pinpointed exactly where we are and gasped, opening my door swiftly and smacking it against the alleyway wall I rushed to my friends who were talking.

"Guys, guys!" I shouted and they stopped and looked at me, "Hey what's happening, man?" Timothy asked me and I looked into each other their eyes with fear. "There's another super soldier" I stated, and they looked at each other shocked, "What! Nah man you joking" Pedro said but I shook my head, "I'm not on the radio they said there was another besides the with lightning, they didn't specify what power it had but... they did say a location" they all looked at me waiting for a response but in the distance heavy gunfire echoed and looking down the same road where the gunfire was coming from I pointed, "Its down there" with a shaky voice.

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