Chapter 19: Time to Get Ready

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3rd Person POV

David Stood in front of the oval office window in deep thought, he was thinking that it was time to start preparing and get ready for the inevitable. He nodded to himself and hurried out of the room.

The sun shined down on Washington DC as spring soon to summer wind rolled through the city giving everyone a comfortable feeling. With a day as beautiful and peaceful like this the people almost forgot that the country was wiped out by a foreign invader.

Abraham Lincoln sat upon his throne like seat observing the fallen but still alive union ahead of him, on his steps sat people enjoying the day and the group laughing and talking like always. Jonathan smiled at the feeling of peace but deep down he knew that the peace will be destroyed sooner or later.

Glancing down at the steps Jonathan caught a glimpse of three figures, one with a bright yellow shirt, the other with a red sweater, and the last with jet black hair. Doubling back Jonathan was happy to see Nico, Pedro, and Rafael approaching them, "Oh shoot is that Nico, Pedro, and Rafael" Jose said loud enough for the trio to hear. "The three and only Jose on a Stick" Rafael said, everyone laughed at the joke, but Jose was annoyed. Nico and Pedro sat down with a relaxed sigh and Rafael decided he would just stand.

Upon sitting down Pedro noticed Jonathan and Rose hand in hand and nudged Nico, who's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ah shoot you didn't tell me you guys were together" Nico said shooting up from his spot, Rose smiled with a slight blush, "Well we haven't seen you guys since the party" Jonathan said. Ah yeah that's right, we was on a supply run again" Pedro said, and Nico mouthed an 'oh' remembering now, "Well how have you guys been?" Nico asked Jonathan and Rose.

"We've been great, living life like there's nothing to worry about" Rose said scooting closer to Jonathan, "Well congratulations you two" Rafael said crossing his arms. "This is off topic but do you guys think things now are too good to be true" Timothy said butting in, the group thought about and figured he was right. No shots fired, no fires, no mass killings, no fighting, nothing like that... just peace. "I see what your seeing Jose, its way too nice" Darius said, "Yeah I mean I like it and all but its not as it should be" Brooklyn followed. "I have a feeling that it won't be like this for long" Jonathan said, "I don't know about you guys, but I want some destruction... not on us but on them" Rachel said correcting herself.

The group sat there all discussing the topic until the sound of people greeting someone stopped their discussion. Peering down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial the group were surprised to see David with two bodyguards greeting people as he walked up the steps. Walking past the group and to the very top of the memorial, David was handed a megaphone by one of the bodyguards and spoke.

"People of Washington DC settlement hear me... I believe it is time to start getting ready for the inevitable and that is FOA crossing the Mississippi River. Now this is no time to panic I'm just saying we should start preparing and training to fight against them when they come. There's only 1,000 of us so we need everyone to cooperate".

With that David handed the megaphone back to the bodyguard and worked his way down the memorial steps. The group was in shock at the timing of that, talking about how things are too nice to we need to prepare for the inevitable. "So, what will we do?" Brooklyn inquired, "What you mean what will we do, we have strengths for example I'm a marksman and Timothy and Rachel they love explosives as for the rest of you this is a chance to see what your good at" Jose stated, at first, they didn't like the idea but eventually they settled on it they would help fight. "Let's go talk to David about it" Jonathan said.

White House East Wing

The group caught up with David who was discussing something with a group of people, until he spotted them walking towards him. He let the group know that the discussion will continue in just a moment then he walked away from them, "I'm busy right now, so what can I do for you guys" David said, and the group mustered their sentences quickly. "We want to help fight David" Rose said, and he didn't look surprised at all, "I knew you would, so I guess you guys have all your specialties down" David asked, "I think I wanna be a medic" Brooklyn said with confidence, "I could use some more marksman training" Jose said scratching the back of his head, "Um I wanted to be a basic soldier I guess" Jonathan said unsure, "I too would like to be a basic soldier" Rose said, David looked too the twins and sighed, "I already know what Darius does but for you two do I even need to ask?" he questioned them and they smiled "We wanna be... DEMOLITION EXPERTS!" Timothy and Rachel shouted for the whole White House to hear.

"Alright I have it all down" David tapped his head, "Now off you go I have things to take care of" he shooed them, and they left without being asked twice. Outside the group stood around in silence, "Well now what?" Darius asked, Jose turned to look back at the group, "Now we wait".

Fallen America: Arise Great Country (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin