Chapter 23: Reaching Out

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3rd Person POV


Markov yelled loudly at Zhao over the phone, "Markov sir I'm not sure" Zhao said, "Bullshit Zhao, that was a division of 15,000 soldiers, WHAT HAPPENED!" Markov yelled causing Zhao to flinch at his tone, "The leader of 7th Division reported that they had run into a trio of survivors and hit their vehicle with a tracking device, after that they traveled to Washington DC and that's when the last report came back saying that had stumbled upon a whole settlement" Markov sighed and Zhao steeled his nerves, "What are you going to do about it" Markov asked darkly making Zhao nervous, "Um I... told all the division including the 5th Armored Division to travel to Washington DC and exterminate them" Zhao finished and there was a deafening silence, "Wise choice Zhao not a great one but a good one, goodbye" and with that Markov hung up.

Jonathan's POV

"So how do you expect to open this?" Darius asked and I continued to stand in front of the large nuclear bomb proof door that was the presidents bunker below the White House. I looked at the access panel next to the door and an idea came to mind, "Darius could you override the door to open" I asked, and he widened his eyes at me, "What do I look your stereotypical movie hacker" everyone chuckled at him. "Oh, oh, oh me" Timothy raised his hand like this was a classroom, "Um yes Timothy?" I asked, "What if we blew the door up!" he exclaimed excited, but Brooklyn butted in, "Yeah lets blow up a heavy ass door using god knows how many explosives and bring down the White House... yeah sounds like a plan Tim" Brooklyn crossed her arms while smugly smiling and Timothy glared at her in return.

"So, Darius you wanna try?" I asked him and he sighed and muttered an 'ok' then he made his way to the access panel. Pulling out his knife and wedging it in between the wall and panel he pulled and pulled until the panel popped off exposing all the colorful and complex wires. "Okay let's see" Darius said, and he started to examine and moved around the wires, I and we stood around Darius watching him do his best to figure it how to open the door.

For a minute he did this until we heard a spark and the metal door creaked and groaned, slowly the door began to open. "Holy shit... that was lucky" Darius said surprised and raised eyebrows were shot his way, "Wait what?" Rachel asked, "I didn't really know what I was doing I just messing with the wires" Brooklyn walked up Darius and punched his shoulder earning an 'ow'.

Using a flashlight from my vest I aimed the beam inside the bunker and saw that it was a hallway that led to a red door at the end of the hallway. Gesturing for my friends to follow I entered the hallway and stood in front of the metal red door that was slightly agape next to the door was another panel. "We don't have to use this panel, right?" Darius asked annoyed, "We shouldn't, lucky for you the door is agape so if we all do a team effort, we could push it open" I said and everyone got ready, taking their places on the door and waited.

"Ok push" I ordered, and everyone started to push the door with all their strength. With a team effort we successfully pushed the door open, revealing a room that had three large dark screens, tables and chairs lined the sides of the room and in the middle of the room an elevated floor with a few more tables and chairs, on the sides of the room there were two doors that led to other areas of the bunker. I turned to look at my friends "Alright remember why were down here, were looking for a way to communicate with the outside world, it'll be like this Rose, Timothy and Rachel search for a way to turn on the power to here if you can while me, Jose, and Darius, and Brooklyn will search here in this room" everyone nodded and did what they were told to do.

Searching the desks for something that looked like communication equipment, Brooklyn and Darius were looking at the desks below the elevated point while I and Jose looked through the desk on the elevated point. In my mind I was picturing seeing 100,000 some FOA soldier marching across the American landscape with intent to burn and murder everyone in this settlement.

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