Chapter 7: The Accident

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3rd Person POV

As the duo drove across Indiana the weather outside was frigid, dark, and snowing. After all they were in the northern part of America. Jonathan was driving down the road being cautious of the weather and looking at the road for anything that may cause an accident and Rose was fast asleep in the passenger seat, her mind somewhere peaceful where the invasion never happened and there was no fear of FOA.

Jonathan looked over at Rose sleeping in the seat next to him and smiled but it faded away into a frown when he stopped his own feelings. Jonathan did have a developing crush on Rose, but they have only known each other for a few days, and he didn't want to rush things. He was no stranger to letting his feelings run wild and ruin relationships and right now he didn't need to ruin one, they had to stick together and can't split apart. Like Rose said, they are 'chained together'.

Hearing shuffling next to him he saw Rose was waking up from her sleep, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked around and saw it was still dark outside and she saw Jonathan still driving, "Hey" she greeted him, "Uh hey... how did you sleep?" he asked, and she shrugged, "Fine I guess" she laid her head back down and her eyes looked sad and filled with questions, Jonathan picked up on this and brought it to her attention, "Hey I see those eyes, what's wrong Rose?" he asked her, and Rose was fighting with herself about something but she didn't want to say it to him, "Nothing... just wished things weren't like this" she partially lied. Jonathan sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah me too but one days things may get better... one day... or maybe they won't" Jonathan said honestly because the truth was things may never go back to the way they were.

Jonathan had his doubts that Rose was still hiding the real question, but he wasn't going to integrate it out of her. Instead, he just kept driving, he heard Rose yawn and he placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey go back to sleep, you still looked tired" she nodded, and she got back into sleeping position and closed her eyes. Jonathan sighed sadly and kept driving, he wished he could express his feeling, but he would not allow that to happen... just... not yet.

Feeling tiredness run over him, Jonathan slowed the car down and halted the vehicle in the middle of the road and turned it off. Reclining his seat, he snoozed off into the dream realm for the night.

Jonathan's POV

opening my eyes, I was blinded by morning light, I groaned and sat up to look outside. The ground was covered in snow but not deep enough to halt the car, looking to my right, I saw Rose still peacefully sleeping. I put the seat back into the it regular position and my stomach grumbled, asking for food. I sighed and trying my best to be quiet I opened the car door and cold air rushed inside, stepping out and quietly closing the door, I traversed across the snow-covered ground and to the back where I opened it and hopped in the trunk. Closing the door behind me, I realized how cramped it was back here Jesus.

I reached for the seats in front of me and pulled the lever that makes them fall for more extra room. Now with the extra room, I laid the portable stove on the floor and turned it on. Smiling with satisfaction I picked up a bag of rice and a bottle of water, I was going to be making some rice.

Rose's POV

I woke up to the smell of... rice? I groaned as I stretched, sitting up I looked to the direction of the smell and saw Jonathan in the back cooking rice. I chuckled and he turned his head to face me, "Hey you, you're finally awake" he said and before I could speak, I was interrupted by myself yawning, "Care for some rice, Rose" he said and happily nodded, I climbed to the back and sat next to Jonathan who handed me a small of bowl of hot rice. "There's no utensil so your gonna have to eat with your hand" he said scooping some rice with his hand, I didn't mind at all eating with my hand besides I was starving anyway, I scooped the rice up and ate it, despite the lack of utilities to make proper rice, Jonathan had managed to make some killer rice. "Damn Jonathan this is great... bet you made some killer rice at home for your family" when I said that his face fell into a sad expression when I said 'home' and 'family'. "Oh Jonathan... I'm sorry I-" he stopped me by placing a hand on my shoulder, "Its fine Rose but if you're still wondering yes... yes I did make a killer rice back at home for my family" he smiled but I could tell he was covering his real emotion.

I understood where Jonathan is coming from when it comes to home and family, but I feel its not right to ask him about it. After eating our breakfast, we started getting ready to leave and continue our road trip. "You done cleaning those bowls?" I heard Jonathan ask from inside the car, "Yep coming back" I said placing the two bowls back inside the crate. Making my way around the car I was stopped by Jonathan, "You want to drive today?" he asked me, "Oh yeah I'll drive today" I said, and we switched places.

About an hour into the trip, we were surprised when we saw a sign that said, 'Welcome to Ohio'. "Wow we made it to Ohio already... damn" I said, and Jonathan shared a surprised expression like me, "Yeah now all we got to do is cut through West Virginia and then straight into Washington" he said and I felt excited hearing that, the thought of making it to Washington was the best thing I've heard in a long time.

"Wait... when we get there... what are we going to do?" asked Jonathan and I was taken aback by his question and it was one she never answered herself. "Um good question" was all I could say, there was a moment of silence between us trying to figure out what to do. "Hm... what if we like settle down" Jonathan suggested, I was confused at first, but it hit me, that's true we could settle down in Washington DC and perhaps live there after all, there's nothing we can do to save America or anything, "Yeah that's a good idea and maybe we can I don't know... live the rest of our lives in our favorite city... sounds fun no?" I said not sure of the thought, "Yeah... yeah I guess" Jonathan said facing to look out the window. The thought of living the rest of our lives in Washington DC wasn't a good one, it's like once we reach Washington DC there's nothing for us just a black void of nothingness.

"Let's put away that thought and think or talk about something else... we'll figure that out once we reach Washington DC" Jonathan suggested, and I nodded. "Okay, so uh... I don't know, what do you want to do" I asked him because I had no idea what to do, he shrugged and I guess that was the answer, we aren't going to do anything for a while.

While there was silence, I just went into my thoughts to do whatever. One thing was killing me, and it was my affection for Jonathan, I liked him but again we haven't known each other for that long, I mean we have learned many things about each other, and I have a great time being around him or being around someone in general. Like I have told myself before, a relationship isn't something we need right now... maybe when we get to DC, no what am I talking about... I mean maybe when we settle down. I mentally groaned in annoyance at myself but was my mind right, if we were settled down in DC and have a stable life... maybe. But another part of me wants to tell him right now and has been nagging and bothering me for the past few days. Ugh this is going to kill me.

Jonathan's POV

The sun was already down below the horizon and all there was a tint of sunlight in the sky, glancing at Rose I could tell she was very deep in thought, what about? Not a single clue. I myself was deep in thought, I was thinking about when I should tell Rose about my feelings, right now isn't a good time maybe when we get to DC and things are hopefully better. I liked Rose a lot actually but I'm not sure if she feels the same way, I shouldn't do this so recklessly, last time I just opened up my feelings to someone they acted like they didn't know me afterwards because I rushed things way to fast and I didn't blame them... I hated myself for that for so long after that.

"Hey Jonathan?" I heard Rose call my name and I turned to face her, she looked compelled to tell me something. she looked super nervous and looked like she was fighting with herself about something, I immediately panicked thinking there was something wrong with her but stopped myself when I saw no signs of passing out or there be something wrong, she was just compelled about something. "Um I... uh... I have something to tell you" she finally said, and I was curious now about what she had to say, "Okay what is it?" I asked and she took a deep breathe, "I... um... I lik-" before she could finish, in my peripheral vision... I saw headlights.

I snapped my head in the direction of the lights and there was flashing coming from above the headlights and we recognized it to be from gunfire. Rose and I ducked as bullets blasted through the windshield, the headlights then smashed into us and the car swerved to right. The car punched through a guard rail and from the impact the car started to roll down a hill, I held on for dear life as the car spun and spun then a loud bang.

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