"You wanna hold him?" Rafael asked all of a sudden and moved closer to me.

"Huh? No, I mean. I don't wanna hurt him."

"Oh, come on. You won't. Come here," Namtan clicked her tongue and helped Rafael in transferring the baby to my arms.

"But, I—"

"You won't hurt him. I promise, okay? I trust you," Namtan reassured me once more.

My chest was pounding all along as they both carefully moved the baby to my arms. I held in my breath as I tried not to move for the fear of dropping the baby.

"You're too stiff. Relax your arms and support the head," Namtan said and helped me adjust the baby's position in my arms.

The baby started moving and snuggled closer to me, making my heart pound even faster. He just looked so fragile that the mere thought of holding him scared me.

"See? He likes you. He didn't even cry."

I looked back at the baby in my arms and couldn't help but let out a smile.

Is this what it feels like?

"Hi, baby. Please, don't move too much, okay?" I chuckled at my own request.

I was still deep in talking to the baby when someone approached me and kissed the top of my head. It was Tay.

"Hi, babies," he whispered and played with the baby's finger.

"Babies? Can't you see I'm holding just one?"

Tay just chuckled and handed Namtan his phone.

"Okay, lovebirds, pose for the camera," she said as she aimed the phone at us.

Tay then snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer while his other arm supported mine.

"Okay, one, two, three, smile!"

"Next time, it's our baby you'll be holding in your arms," Tay declared and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.


"So, when's the wedding, Rafael?"

Everyone looked at Tay's dad.

"We're still finalizing the preparations, Uncle."

Tay's father nodded and continued eating.

I glanced at Tay who was happily eating his food.

Tay and I haven't talked about our wedding despite being engaged for months.

"I'm glad that you're finally settling with Namtan. You've been pursuing her since you were just kids," Tay's mom added, earning a laugh from Rafael.

"Yeah, but she was just so in love with Tay," Rafael chuckled.

"Hey, is it my fault that I'm this handsome?"

I swallowed hard and thickly and pretended to be busy with my food.

"Tch. I guess my standards were just so low back then," Namtan muttered with her eyes glaring at Tay.

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