19th Madness

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"Congratulations to this year's grand winner, Tay Tawan!" 

The area was then filled with applause as Benz announced me as the winner and I couldn't help but suppress a smile as my gaze landed on New who was sulking beside Gun.

He was muttering something inaudible as he kept on rolling his eyes at me, his lips pursing and his arms crossed on his chest.

"Okay, now that we are done with the games, it's time to prepare for dinner. Everyone, you may go back to your cabins for a while to change clothes or whatever you want to do. But be sure to come back because we are having a bonfire later tonight."

I immediately got off the makeshift podium and approached New who just scowled at me.

"Congratulations, Tay!"

"Thanks, Gun. Uh, New, I'm heading back to the cabin to change clothes. Are you coming?"

"Nah, you go ahead. I'm staying with Gun for a while." 

I just nodded at him and watched as he went after Gun.

Off calling...

"Yes, bro. You need anything?"

"Nah, just wanna ask how Gun is doing."

"Tss. You're making me a baby sitter now?"

"Come on, Tay. You know Gun makes me worried most of the times. You know how men tend to huddle over him."

"No one's going after your man, okay? He's always with New."

"Speaking of New, how's your confession going?"

I heaved a deep sigh as Off opened the topic.

"I've been dropping hints here and there but he just wouldn't pick up a thing."

"You're a hopeless case, Tay. Why don't you be direct and say you like him? Dropping hints won't get you anywhere."

"I'm trying to, okay? But every time I attempt to tell him I like him, I, I just get so nervous that I can't bring myself to tell him."

"So you settle with dropping hints instead? Come on, that's too lame, Tay. Are you gonna wait until someone gets ahead of you. I heard Earth and New already met again."

"Tss. I told you not to mention his name again."

"Then you better get your ass moving if you wanna keep him for yourself."

"Fine, fine. I-I'll try to confess, okay."

"You better. Anyway, I have to go. Watch on Gun for me, okay?"

"I know. Bye."

Tss. How did I end up watching over two guys?

I immediately changed into fresh clothes and came back to where New was. 

I found him lying on one of the sun benches alone.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I sat by his feet. He had his arm over his eyes to cover them from the sun.

He just slightly smiled at me with his eyes closed.

"You need to change your clothes, New. You sweated too much during the games."

I watched as he sat up and looked at me intently.

"Wh-what's wrong?"

"No matter how much I think about it, I just couldn't figure it out."

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