46th Madness

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"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You've gone crazy," Gun shook his head as he crossed his arms.

He wasn't supposed to be at my unit as he was busy with the remaining preparations for his wedding this weekend. But being the annoying friend that I am, he just couldn't help but oblige when I rushed him to come over on the threat that I won't attend his wedding.

I ignored him and continued listening on the wall using the stethoscope I asked him to bring but just ended getting more annoyed.

I scanned the wall once more for another spot hoping that I'd be able to catch anything from the next room but failed.

"Tss! Are you sure this is real?? I can't hear anything."

"Psh. You're hopeless," he sighed before sitting on the sofa.

I adjusted the device in my ears and knocked the wall twice to check how thick it was.

"I clearly remember hearing Tay watching porn when he just moved in next door years ago. Why can't I hear anything now???"

Gun let out a frustrated sigh before throwing a pillow at me.

"What?!" I hissed at him but he just rolled his eyes at me, his arms and legs crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"You look like an idiot who's trying to check the wall for a heartbeat. Why don't you just go next door and check on them, huh?"

"Psh! I'd look like a sour loser. And besides, the hell I care about what they're doing there."

"See? Exactly! You just said it. Then why are you still pressing your ears on the wall like a total idiot?"

I immediately moved away from the wall and tossed him the stethoscope, hitting him squarely on the face.


"Tss. Take that fake thing away from me," I grumbled as I pushed him slightly aside before taking a seat beside him.

"Ungrateful! What are you so afraid of? Tay already told you he's not the father of Namtan's child. "

"Who knows if he's lying? He already lied to me once. He could do it again. And why would Namtan be here if he's not the father, huh?? What? Is Tay her obgyn now for her to follow him all the way here??"

"Hey, you know what, you two are just the most confusing people I know. Ugh! You're stressing me out! All of you."

"Psh. He's the one who's confusing. One moment he's sweet to me, giving me all the reasons to believe in him but the next second he's gonna give me all the reasons to doubt him again. Just like now. You just don't know how I felt when I saw Namtan waiting in front of his unit. It was like, the world collapsed on me. I was starting to believe him again, Gun. I was already contemplating on giving him a chance, but after what happened today, I don't know what to do anymore."

"You know what, you sort out your issues with Tay on your own. I'm so done here. I still have to meet my wedding planner. And you better be present at my wedding or I'm gonna skin you alive."


I'm bored as hell.

And curious as hell.

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