31st Madness

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Dedicated to BTStruelover



"Please talk to me....in private."

My brows might have cocked a bit as Namtan glanced my way before looking back at Tay.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna go back to my unit," I announced as I awkwardly looked at the two who were just standing by the door. Tay had his brows joining into one as he furrowed down on Namtan while the latter was biting her lips firmly.

I mean, I deemed it best to leave since it seemed that they had something to iron out that was none of my concern.

"No. You stay, babe," Tay replied, his eyes fixed on Namtan who was starting to fidget with her hands.

"My boyfriend stays, Namtan. If there's anything you want to say to me, say it without making New leave."

I decided to approach them as the sternness of Tay's voice was starting to scare me especially after noticing that Namtan was on the verge of crying.

"Hey, why don't you sit down and talk. I'm gonna get you a cup of tea," I tried calming Tay down and thankfully he did as his face eventually softened and he then headed to the sofa.

I quickly went to his kitchen and prepared tea for the both of them. As much as I hated Namtan's tone when she talked to me at Tay's house, I couldn't just let Tay talk to him in an angry state.

"Uh, have some tea first, Namtan."

She murmured a low thanks before taking a sip off her cup. I attempted to leave to give them the private space I thought they needed but Tay was quick to hold my hand and made me sit beside him.

Silence ensued as Tay just had his eyes fixed on me while Namtan was looking down on her cup of tea. The silence was awkward and I must say bothersome.


I flinched as Namtan finally decided to break the silence. She didn't even look at Tay in the eyes as she was looking down at her hands.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said to you," she finally said before breaking into sobs.

I was taken aback with the way she was holding back her tears but she eventually failed as her lips trembled and tears streamed down her face, but Tay remained stoic, not even showing any hint of emotion on his face.

"I, I didn't know what I was thinking when I said that but I just wanna let you know that I'm very sorry. I totally understand if you won't forgive me but please, don't, don't treat me like a total stranger. We've been friends for years, Tay. I just couldn't afford to lose a friend, my best friend."

"You lost your best friend when you decided to set me up years ago, Namtan."

Oookaay, something is definitely going on between them.

"I, I know. And I know that you haven't forgiven me completely for that. And I totally understand. Just, just don't forget me for good, Tay. Just don't."

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