49th Madness

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"So you mean to say, this is your family's house?"

I gaped at Kav as I pointed the house in front of us. No scratch that. It was a fucking mansion.

"Hey! If you're this rich, why the hell are you working as a photographer? I'm pretty sure you have an empire or something."

Kav snickered as he grabbed my hand and led me inside.

"My family actually owns several chains of restaurant around the globe. But managing the business is not really my thing and I've been wanting to become a photographer since I was a kid. It was a good thing my parents are supportive of me."

I just let him drag me wherever it was that we were heading to.

"Oh, dear New?? Finally! My son had the guts to bring you here."

A gorgeous woman clad in a royal blue dress suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed me into a hug. I assumed it was Kav's mother despite her looking like a teenager. She looked so young and beautiful she could pass as Kav's sister.

"I'm Kay's mother. I've been wanting to meet you, New."

I couldn't help but cock a brow at Kav who already had his cheeks and ears red.

I returned the smile his mother gave me despite my utter confusion.

"Come. Get inside, dear. My husband's not around as he's still out of town but you'll meet him later."

"Does your mom know me?" I whispered to Kav as we followed his mom to the receiving area but he just smiled at me.

I coyly took a seat as Kav's mom was still following me with her gaze. Something just didn't feel right with the way she was staring at me.

"The househelps are still not done preparing the food so I'm gonna check on them, okay? New, just feel at home. Or better yet treat this as your home. You know, so you'll get used to it."

I gave her a smile despite not understanding a word she said.

"Mom, you're scaring him."

"Okay, fine. I'll be back."

I watched as she strutted her way towards the kitchen.

"What just happened?" I asked Kav the moment she was out of sight.

"She's just excited to see you. That's all."

"And why would she be?"

Kav just shrugged.

Later that day, we all shared a sumptuous meal with Kav's parents. As he was an only child, his parents seemed to be excited having someone aside from their son in their house.

"Kay's told us a lot about you," Kav's mom said while we were digging in some dessert.

"Uh, I hope they're all good."

"Of course. If you only knew how excited he looks whenever he tells us about you."

"Mooom, you're embarrassing me."

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