5th Madness

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"He's a newcomer but he's already slacking off," I grumbled when I was informed that Tay didn't come to work that day.

I haven't seen him for three days. The last one was when he just invaded my unit and begged me to cook noodles for him.

"The head said he has some important matters to attend to. Why? Do you miss him?"

I glared at Third who just literally came out of nowhere.

"Oh, shut up. Why would I miss him? And besides, he's been gone for three days already. Isn't he a bit much? I've been in this company for years but I haven't even filed for a leave."

"It's because you're lonely so you're using your work as an excuse not to be alone. Look at me. I'd ditch any work just to be with Off."

"But would he do the same for you?"

"He's a lawyer, okay? So I understand that he's busier than I am."

"Tss. Yeah, he's so busy that he couldn't even drop your label, hun."

"Oh, shut up. I told you. You better start flirting or that hole's gonna close up, I tell you."

"You're so gross, Gun!"

I frustratingly threw a bunch of paper clips at him but he just laughed sinisterly.

God, I hate him.


Since, I didn't have enough supplies at my unit, I decided to stop by the grocery store.

Given the multiple instances of Tay invading my place for food, I decided to buy a bit more than usual though I was expecting he'd never show up in front of my door ever again.

I was looking for my favorite brand of noodles on the shelf when I noticed someone very familiar coming my way.

"Oh, shit. Seriously, of all places??" I internally groaned as I watched Mond scan the items on the nearby shelf.

"Okay, I can approach him and greet him, right? Like, to ask how he's doing? Ugh, goodness, New. Why are you so fucking nervous?"

I shook my hands several times to stop them from trembling.

But before I could approach him and deliver the script I had in mind, his wife came into view, crumbling every ounce of courage I decided to muster just now.

"I found the sauce you want, love. Is there anything you need?"

I mindlessly rolled my eyes as I heard her tenderly talk to Mond.

God, I just hate her so much.

Okay, don't get me wrong.

I don't hate her because Mond married her, well, okay fine, that's one.

I've hated her ever since I could remember.

And why??

It's because she literally announced to the whole university about me being gay!

Well, everyone knows about it anyway.

But she literally told everyone that I took pictures of the hot guys in our university!

One Night MadnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang