Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 3

Start from the beginning

We were in the lab as Booth speaks. "Hey, how about this? Hall's got motive to kill Mount. Why? Because he's jumping labels and he's running away with some girl who's stealing Mount's meth and money." I nod as Temp speaks "I'm starting to see how this whole motive thing works." "Thank you." "It's still murky psychological guesswork, though." I snicker as Booth sighs. Zack then calls for Temp. "I found a mark on Eve Warren here on the manubrium." "Compare it to the mark on Mount." I look at Booth as he starts up a new scenario. "Okay, Eve tells Mount that she wants to start a new life. So she rips off the dope and the cash thinking she can build a new future with it." Temp then speaks "That's a story, Booth. You need to find something real." "For what? I mean, it feels real to me... I mean, Eve is a woman in love, who's trying to escape a world that's just crushing her. Mount finds out how much trouble the woman he's in love with is in, so he gives up his own life to protect her. It's not enough. They were hoping for a better life, and they wound up dead." I speak as Temp was thinking "Wow, that's really sad. But I can feel how much he loved her. Really romantic... except for both dying part."

Zack then speaks up, "Looks like a match." Temp speaks "Thanks. Good job." Booth then cuts in "What the hell is that?" "Not sure. It's a bone dimple. But they both have it, so it can't be genetic. Something external caused it, but I'm not sure what." I pipe in "How about Randall Hall." Booth nods "Your right Blueberry. He's behind this. Randall Hall. Okay, he killed these two people. We know it. He did it. We just can't touch him. And there's no evidence linking him to the drugs, the cash or either body. Except for a couple of damn bone dimples." I pipe in "Ranger, we will keep looking at the remains... maybe find the evidence we need." "I can't let it stand." "What?" "You know what? I'm going to spread the pain. All right? That's my new motto." Temp and I have different out puts in what Booth says, "I don't like that new motto Ranger. But don't leave us behind." While Temp says, "Wait! I can help spread pain. Wait." We Booth rush following Booth.

We are now back in the club as Booth sits on the couch, while Temp and I are standing next to each other. Hall comes up as Booth speaks, "We know you did it." "What?" "Killed Mount in that wall so that he wouldn't leave your label." I added in "You killed Eve Warren." Booth continues "Killed her and buried her under Rulz's studio. In the meantime, this is going to have to remain an active crime scene." "That's harassment. I'll sue." "I'm going to harass you every chance I get." Hall pokes Booth hard with his cane. I see this and realize that his cane was the one that caused the dimples. I looked at Temp giving her a look and she immediately picks it up, giving me a small nod as Hall speaks. "I'm not somebody you want to mess with." "Did you just poke me?" Booth stands up and looks at us and back to him as he asked again. "Did he just poke me with hiss little stick?" "This is my place. I want to poke someone, I do it." He was about to poke Booth again, but Booth caught the stick and pushed Hall with it as Oak pulls a gun on him and Booth grabs his gun and punches him. 

I caught oaks before he could fall... Well, I didn't really have a choice on catching him since he was falling my way. I just hold him in a choke hold, not tight enough for him not to breath but enough for him not to escape as Booth gives Temp a gun and she points it at Oak as well. Booth then speaks to Hall. "All right, how easily do you think I scare?" Booth was about to break the stick in half but Temp and I both yell at him to stop. Then Temp proceeds to tell him "Don't break the cane. Arrest him and confiscate the cane as evidence. I need the cane." "Arrest him for what?" Booth then points to Oak who is still in my choke hold. "He's the guy who pointed a gun at a federal agent." I pipe in "Uttering threats or smelling bad or anything. It's the cane we want." He sighs and gives the cane to Temp "Fine. Here. Randall Hall, I am placing you under arrest... for assault of a federal agent." "This will never go to court." "Oh, let's go find out, huh? Blueberry let go of him now." I sigh and do what he says as he speaks to Oak. "Next time I take your gun away from you, I'll shoot you with it." "Well, then, I better not let you get my gun again. Come on, let's go."

We are at the lab as Hodgins sets up Zack with a vest to test the cane. I was standing between Temp and Angie when Angie tells us the tea. "Get this: I called Tessa to tell her a couple of places she should check out in Jamaica... She's not going." I then asked, "What happened?" "Well, she said something came up at work, but I know the truth." Hodgins then speaks up "How many times do you want me to pike Zack?" Temp speaks "Just once, but as hard as you can." Zack then repeats "As hard as he can? Why don't I hit him as hard as I can?" Hodgins then answers him "Because you have arms like noodles, while I am vigorous and burly." Temp then asks Angie "What truth?" I watch as Hodgins hits him and Zack mocks him. "That all you got, burly boy?" I chuckle at them but pay back attention to the girls as Angie talks. "They got freaked out by Stage Six." I then ask for both Temp and I "What is Stage Six?" "One: Spend the Night; Two: Spend the Weekend; Three: Exchange Keys; Four: Sexy Weekend Getaway; Five: Extended Vacation; inevitably followed by Six: Move in Together." 

I looked at Angie with amazement about the different stages in a relationship as Temp speaks up. "I'm an anthropologist. I know the stages of everything. You made those up." "I did not." "Yes, you did." "They got to Stage Five, and they balked." "Not Booth. Booth did not balk." "Honey, it's always the guy." "No, Booth is not a balker." Hodgins then gets our attention. "Hey! The mark on Mount, the mark on Eve- they're the same." I chuckle "He can't resist hitting them with that cane of his. The end of the cane- it's a fit for both marks. Hall is the killer." Temp then adds "Send the cane, the photos, and the medium to the FBI. Let them confirm the match." Hodgins then intervene "What, and let them have all the glory?" Zack adds "My chest hurts." I shake my head. "No, Hodgins. This is to make sure he is put away for gold and not let him get away with it."  Temp then leaves as I look at Hodgins again. "Alright Hodgins, it's time for you to pay your end of the bargain. I hope you bring clothes you don't like because it's going to get messy." Zack then cuts in "What are you both doing that's going to end up messy?" "Oh, he lost a bet with Booth, so they need to help me repair my car. But Booth is leaving for a week. But he will help out when he comes back. Would you like to come as well Zack?" "Yes." Alright, I will see you both later on today. I will send you the address, alright." Hodgins sighs but nods and I leave with Angie as she wants to have a bit of girl's time.



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