Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You know what? I'm going to turn you into an investigator yet." "No, no, no, no. Bugs and slime, dude. That is where I'm happy." Booth looks at him weird then turns to me. "What do you think Blueberry?" I nod "It was good, but I had a bit of a different idea of what might happen?" They both turned and looked at me as Booth speaks. "All right, what do you think?" "What if they had figured out something and they were running away from whatever they found. Which is why she left her belly button ring and DJ Mount got stuck between the wall and got killed." "That isn't a bad idea Blueberry, but it might be to much of a stretch." Hodgins then added "Yeah. I think we will stick with ours." I huffed a bit, then came up with an idea. "Alright how about we put a bet on this." They both then looked interested as Hodgins spoke up. "Alright, what are we going to bet with." I smile, "If I am right, then you both have to give me $200, plus help me out with my car that I've been fixing. But if you both are right, I will give you both $200 and I will do both of your paperwork for a month." They both look at each other and nodded as Booth speaks. "You got yourself there a deal Blueberry." I nod and shake both of their hands confirming the deal. 

Booth and I left making our way to Angie's workspace as she and Temp were discussing about the case. Booth then cuts in "My bet is he was chasing her." Temp then asked, "And that's based on...?" "Money and meth. She left that corridor carrying money saturated in the same meth that killed Mount. She was moving fast." Angie then adds in "She didn't even stop when her belly ring got ripped out." Booth then pitches in "Hey, money's a pretty good reason to get chased, hmm? Only question is, why wasn't he facing her?" Angie then continues "It got tight back there. 15 centimeters. Eve ripped out her belly button ring here and left a smear of blood until the corridor widened. Here." We then hear a groan coming from Temp and we looked at her. "Sis, are you okay?" "That just... makes me a little sick." Angie then adds in "You pick dead bodies out of mass graves and yanking out a belly button ring makes you sick." Booth then cuts her off "Okay, okay, moving on. All right, I've shot a lot of people in my time, and I got to admit, that whole belly button thing makes me nauseous, too." I nod adding "I feel the same too sis, but I just hide it. That grosses me out just as much as live bugs and snakes." "Thank you."

Angie then just continues "At this point, Mount must have looked behind him but kept going. Then the passageway narrowed, so he couldn't turn his head back toward Eve." Temp then speaks "Then there's no way she could've shoved the meth into his face- Eve didn't kill him." I smiled then added "A third person surprised them- that's why he turned his head to look. In which Mount's body prevented this third person from getting to Eve, so she escaped. But he got to Mount and shoved the meth in his face and killed him. Ah." I look at Booth and put out my hand as he digs into his pocket taking out the $200 and handing it to me as the girls watched ND then he asked. "But the real question is, who the hell is this third person?" Temp then spoke up "I'm not so sure. But why did you hand her $200?" I answered for him "He lost a bet and now he has to help me out with my car, and I must get Hodgins." Before the girls could ask why, I made my way out the door screaming out to Hodgins. "Hodgins! You owe me $200 and make sure you bring clothes you don't care for. We will start when this case is over." All you could hear is Hodgins screaming out, "Come on! Yours was so farfetched." "Yet, it was what actually happened!" I turned back to the girls smiling "I just made $400 thanks to the both of you. So here you both go since you both made it possible." I hand both of them $100 as Angie speaks up. "Glad to help out."

Booth, Temp, and I are back in the club talking to Mr. Hall. "I've been investigated for years. Why do you think they never got me on anything?" Booth answers him "Cause you're so smart?" "Because Terence Baskin is my past. I am 100% clean now. This is my life now. This and my record label. Not crystal meth. Not gangbanging." Temp then speaks, "Yet much of the iconic quality of urban music lies in the perceived of actual rivalry between the principal artists." "Where did you find her?" Booth answers "Museum." as I answered, "Didn't, was born into the family. But was the rivalry between Mount and Mr. Rulz strong enough to... lead to murder?" "Sure. They were both capable. And in the fact that Mount was sleeping with Rulz' girlfriend Eve. Yeah, in fact..." Booth then asks "Yeah?" "Rulz built himself a studio around that time. Poured cement for the pad a day after they disappeared." I asked "So...?" "I'm saying, Mount's dead, Eve's gone missing. You might want to consider that. Let's go." "What do you think Ranger?" "Oh, I think, uh, I think we need to find a way to find a body buried under a slab of cement." Temp then asks, "Well, can't you get a warrant?" "To look around the premises, maybe, but no way to tear it up." Temp then gets an idea, "Well, let me make a phone call." "Ohhh, what do you have in mind sis? Is it a suprise?" "Yeah, let's say that."

We are at Rulz place when a car shows up and the most adorable dog come out. "AWWWWW! It's a dog and a adorable one at that. Temp then speaks as she pets him. "Tuttis traveled the world finding dead bodies." Booth then asks "Does Tutti always drool like that? What, I'm going to hurt her.. his feelings?" "Why does that matter Ranger. Tutti himself is an amazing gift. I mean look how adorable you are. Yes, you are." I am petting the dog with all the love I have as the owner speaks to Booth. "Tutti is the best cadaver dog in the world, Agent Booth." Temp then adds in "It's true. If you were a dead body, you'd want Tutti looking for you." I then speak up "Not only you take the best cadaver dog in the world, but I would also say you are the cutest dog in the world. Yes, you are. You can find my dead body any time." I pause for a second as the other's looked at me weirdly when I said that as I coughed and blushed. "I... I was having a moment... and I really wasn't thinking what I was saying. I really don't plan on dying any time soon..." 

I looked down and focused back on the dog giving him lots of love as Booth asked. "How can it smell anything buried under a building?" Temp then argues "He can. Once... I saw Tutti find a dead body wrapped in plastic, under concrete after four years." The owner adds "Tutti can smell decaying blood on a tooth six feet underground. I mean, so what? He drools a little. What's up with that? You know, your eyes are kind of close together, but I don't comment." I snicker and nudge Booth as he speaks. "I apologize." She then asks, "Is he sincere?" Temp nods "Yeah." "All right, then. We accept." We then see Tutti lay down on the ground. I gush at Tutti as the owner speaks. "Good boy, Tutti. Tutti found something." Booth then speaks "Oh, maybe he's just lazy." Temp then speaks "Lying down is his indicator. Tutti found it. There's a body under here. You should get a warrant to bring in a jackhammer for the floor. I'd start digging here." I then speak, "And Tutti here gets a kings treatment for being so amazing." I am rubbing his belly as the owner and Temp smiles at me, while Booth gives me a weird look.



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