He could do this. He could protect himself and the ones he loved.

And once everything was over, he could get his trinity away from it all. Which was his main goal in everything.


Hoseok made it back home at a reasonable time. After their meet up, he and Sik went to a small bar in one of the strips and had some drinks.

Hoseok was a little bit tipsy but he wasn't all that off. He was able to drive back safely and get inside without making too much of a fuss.

He made it up to he and Trinity's bedroom to see it was pitch black. Cursing under his breath, he stumbled over to the lamp and switched it on causing a dim light to fill a portion of the room.

He was surprised to see trinity still how he left her. Curled up in a little ball on the bed in her clothes from earlier, her hands under her cheek as she snores softly.

Oreo was in his bed in the corner of the room. Sound asleep as well.

Hoseok sighed and kicked off his shoes. He then slipped off his leather jacket and carelessly tossed it to the floor. Next he took his gun out and placed it on the nightstand, then came his wallet and keys.

He didn't realize he carried so much shit around. He felt as if he could finally breathe correctly once he took everything out of his pockets.

Hoseok rain his fingers through his hair and walked around to get in bed on his side. He laid flat on his back, one hand behind his head and the other on his stomach as he stared up at the ceiling.

The year was almost over. In a few days it would be the first of December. Hoseok could already see how shit would play out then. Hopefully this thing with the Kendricks didn't ruin Christmas. Hopefully, he was able to clear most of it so that he didn't bring all of this into the new year.

As he laid back he couldn't help but reflect on how his year had went. So many gains but at the same time, so many loses. Last year things were horrible. This year things were horrendous. Nightmarish. Just...a mess.

Hoseok wanted nothing more than to be freed of the demons that haunted him everytime he reflected on things. He still had nightmares about Dee. And sometimes, nightmares about his father.

He just wanted to be free from it all. He wanted to be happy.

He couldn't say he wanted to be happy again because truth is, hoseok had never been happy. He had never been at peace. He had never reached that state of nirvana where he was completely relaxed, chill and free of any worries.

He wanted to experience that. He wanted to brag about being on cloud nine.

When would his time come?

Trinity stirs in her sleep. Hoseok looked over at her, seeing her scoot over to lay under him. He cracks a smile, eyes flickering to every feature he could perceive in the light.

"You smell like cigarettes." She says.

"I was around a smoker." Hoseok responded, referring to Sik.

"I'm assuming you were around a drinker too."

Hoseok kissed his teeth. "I had a few drinks with that smoker." He responds.

"Did you-"

"I did." He cuts her off.

Trinity sighed, her hand sneakily sliding up to his chest.

"I know you're tired. I'm tired of this for you...." She whispers, finally opening her eyes. Hoseok chuckled.

"I can't complain much. It's the life I chose to live."

"Yeah but...you deserve better. No matter how many cars you're able to afford, how much money you make - you deserve raw, natural, unpriced happiness. We all do." She says, looking up at him.

"I just want you to live life comfortably. You can have anything in the world. You can live without having to worry about money. You'll be well taken care of. I'll make sure of that." Hoseok said.

"I don't need money. I just need you. I need safe and happy you. Raw you. Not the you that skips out on family gatherings and leaves in the middle of the night for meetups and work." She said.

Hoseok looked down at her, not an ounce of emotion in his eyes. It's not that he wasn't moved by her words. It was just that he couldn't portray it in that moment.

"I can ask you for anything and you give it to me. I love you for that. But when I ask you to relax and take care of yourself, it seems as if I'm asking for too much." She continues, laughing lightly afterwards.

"I'm fine." Hoseok lied, playing with a her curly hair.

"I'd be a fool to believe that." Trinity whispered.

"Go to sleep, baby." Hoseok said. She was just saying anything. She was tired. She wasn't even in her right mind at the moment.

Atleast, that's what he tried to convince himself. She was right. Everything she said was true. And it made him feel horrible, to know that she felt this way deep inside.


His Baby made it to 200K yesterday 💞💞💞 thank you all so much. I wanted to double update yesterday in honor of that but I wasn't feeling up to it.

Excuse any mistakes <3 .

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon