Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 1

Start from the beginning

We hear three people coming down as they talk to each other. I recognized their voices the first one was Agent Furst as he says, "Are you sure they can handle this?" Booth then speaks "No, one in our lab knows the first thing about dealing with a mummy. I'd have to call them in anyway." Agent Furst points to Temp first "She assaulted two agents who were trying to tape off the body." Then he points at me who was looking at the ceiling doing little jumps in place. "She, well I am not sure what she is looking at, but she has been like that since we got here." Temp speaks up first "They were trying to compromise the remains." Agent Furst then interrupts her "A cloud of meth covered the dance floor. I think they've inhaled quite a lot. Especially that one." He points at me causing everyone to look at me as I was looking at this butterfly I thought was there. Booth looks at Angie, Temp and me and asks, "You three are high?" Angie then speaks "Only by accident, so it doesn't count. Also, the guy is not wrong Venus got inhaled the most out of everyone else since a good load feel on top of her. I mean look at her hair it's covered in white." 

I look over at them and speak up "Wait. Why did you bring Tessa? Or is that my hallucinations? Are you even here with me? Am I hallucinating everything right now?!" Tessa spoke "No, I am real, we all are real. But we were out to dinner when he got a call from Dr. Brennan. Your pupils are the size of saucers." Temp then speaks up as we all look at her. "Get away from the remains!" Booth then walks towards Temp "Bones, simmer down. Blueberry come over here real quick." I nod looking at Booth a bit weird as I saw him as Han Solo. "Yes, sir Han Solo. But, how do you know Booth's nickname for me. Did you see him before coming here?!" They all looked at me weirdly as I made my way next to Booth or for now Han Solo. Then look over to see the owner of the club and his bodyguard make their way to us. I saw the owner as the Emperor and the bodyguard as a stormtrooper. The stormtrooper then asks us "How long is this going to take?" Han Solo then asks back "Who the hell wants to know?" The Emperor then apologizes "I'm sorry. He works for me. I'm Randall Hall. I run this place." Han solo then speaks "You run this place, Mr. Hall. Just so you know, cause we, uh, found some drugs on the dead..." Temp then cuts Han Solo off "We found them. We found them." Han Solo just continues "We found some drugs on the dead guy. We're going to want to know where they came from, why he had them..." 

Temp cuts him off again "Why? Why he had them? Why he had them?" He just chose to continue "Any idea who he is?" The Emperor spoke again as I look up seeing the butterfly flying again. "The guy barely looks human. What makes you think I'd recognize him?" I was about to wander away from Han Solo to follow the butterfly as he caught onto the back of my shirt stopping me from leaving from his sight as he asks Temp. "Bones, how did something like this happen?" She turns around almost crashing into me as Han pulls me back a bit to not get hit as Temp answers. "The Egyptians would give the body a cedar oil enema, and then rinse it with wine and cover it with salt. But I don't think that's what happened here." I look at Han adding "Han you also know the nickname Booth gives to Temp. Why didn't he tell me that he knew you? When I find Booth we need to have a talk? Han looks at me and Temp then concluded "Bones, Blueberry you are totally wasted.

Temp then sees Zack calling out to him as I look around not finding him. Temp pulls over Zack that I see as Darth Vader. I watch Temps calling Vader Zack, "Zack! Zack! Zack. Come here, come here. Isn't this a beautiful specimen of mummification?" Han had let go of my shirt thinking I was going to stay still. But once I saw Vader, I ran towards him jumping onto him making him fall back but was stopped by Temp pushing him back up. I look at Vader who was Zack as I had my arms and legs wrapped around him as I told him, "Vader! I didn't know you were coming! Han! Look who it is! It's Vader! I love Vader so much!" Vader then asks, "What's going on?" Han then answers, "Let's just say that they inhaled." Temp keeps on talking to Vader as I stayed wrapped onto him, "See how perfectly dried and preserved the skin is. You don't find something like this every day." She then goes to tell Tessa as Vader is trying to figure what to do with me. I look at him and give him two kisses on the check and one on the forehead. I talk as I point to his mouth. "You know Vader, I would've given you a kiss right here. But I know you love Padame, so I won't. I really respect your commitment." Vader then speaks up "I don't mind. I don't mind at all if you kiss me there." Han then comes up to us hearing what we said and grabs Vader's shoulder. "Ya, not going to happen their buddy. Come here Blueberry, Vader here has to work, and you are now getting a nosebleed."

Han then hands me a tissue paper as I wiped my nose. I then speak... "But Han, this is the only time I can touch Vader and be this close to him. Please let me hold onto him longer." Han looks at me then sighs then looks at Vader "Fine. But you are going to babysit her and you're not going to try anything funny, got it." Vader nods. I look over seeing the Emperor and the stormtrooper leaving. "Hey, why was the Emperor and his stormtrooper here." They looked at me confused before Han goes back to talking to Temp. "How long before you can ID him?" "Well, I'm not all tired, so I'm sure I can stay up all night and work." She turns to Vader and I talking to him, "We have to be careful removing him. He's very dry and brittle." Vader starts taking pictures of the mummy trying his best to avoid me as I was still wrapped around him.

We are now in the lab and all three of our highs were over and our head was hurting, and we were ready to fall asleep. Angie and I were sitting on stools as Temp was standing in front of the mummy examining it as Hodgins walks up to us. "Crystal meth is made from cold medicine, lye, and the strike pads from matchbooks. The body was not designed to deal with that kind of assault." Temp then speaks "So, I'm finding out." "Chamomile tea? It's very soothing." "I just need your results." "How about a stick off your back?" Angie then speaks "Are you sure you need me here?" "Payback for showing me the good life." I then speak up, "I met the Emperor, a stormtrooper, Han Solo, and Darth Vader. But I don't know who they actually are... I know I kissed someone on their forehead and cheeks. But I don't know who Vader is." They stared at me as Booth comes up the platform speaking "Okay, so how is my man, the Tut?" Temp answered, "In better shape than I am. Venus still is getting a bloody nose." He looks at me as I nod wiping blood of my nose again with a tissue. as Hodgin speaks, "The meth found in his lungs and nasal passages match the meth that juiced Angela, the good doctor, and Vader lover here." Temp did not look amused as she speaks "Can you please keep it clinical?" I then added "Could someone also help me identify my Star Wars characters?"  Booth then speaks "So, uh, he died of, uh, an overdose." Temp drops the files while correcting Booth, "Asphyxiation. The meth coated the alveoli in his lungs, making breathing impossible." "So, uh, he, uh, overdosed with his meth behind the wall?" Hodgins cuts in "The little space was to narrow for him to squeeze through. He got stuck, the bag broke, and, when he gasped for air, he inhaled and died instantaneously." I stand up stumbling a bit as I spoke "The dry air convection behind the wall removed most of the moisture from his body. Now who can tell me who Han Solo was?" Booth spoke up "That was me Blueberry. But how long was he, uh, in there?" I nod as Hodgins continued "Judging the acarid mites in his ears, I'd say six weeks." Booth nods then noticed something. "Hey, didn't he have hands?" I nod, "Yeah, you should follow Temps for that. While I find out who Vader was."

I was in Temps office with a massive headache, as I lay my head on her lap as she was working and had music on of DJ Mount the victim. Booth comes in hearing the music and looks at us, "Never knew this side of you, Bones, Blueberry." Temp answered first "It's DJ Mount." I then added "It's not really my cup of tea, I prefer rock." Booth nods at my answer before adding on. "You're both hung over. Doesn't this make your head explode?" I spoke first "Yes, it does. But I don't have the heart to lower down Temps music, so I just left it. I can deal with the pain." Temp then speaks "I grabbed a couple hours of sleep on my couch, and showered in the lab's decontamination room." Booth nods "You really know how to live." "Angela said rap artist sometimes kill each other over the music: Jam Master Jay, Tupac, Biggie..." "Do you even know who you're talking about?" "Yeah, I've done my Googling." I corrected her, "No, I've done her Googling. I didn't know either but now we do." Temp then continues as I put my head up so she could stand up. "Listen, you can hear the alpha male asserting himself." Booth then sings with the lyrics making me chuckle. "Always a nice lyric." "I'm heading back to the club to meet the FBI forensics team." "I am not going with you Temp. I need to rest; my head is killing me, and I think I am done with clubs. Also, if you are there help me find my Vader, I need to apologize to them."



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