Chapter 19

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A week later.

You've been busy taking care of your wife and daughter. Olivia is been busy and needs your help with her science project. You take a day off for her since she begged you to help her and you can't say so to your child.

Scarlett came down from her nap and saw the both of you doing Olivia's project. Your kid is already stressed while you just laughed at her struggles.

"Hi, darling. How's your nap?" You asked and open your arms for her, she smiled and sit down on your lap. "Good, what are you two doing?" She asked and look at Olivia who was busy cutting something on the paper.

"Baby, can I ask for your permission about something?" She asked and look at you. You passed the paper you just cut to Olivia and the glue. You nod and look at her.

"I have a three-day photoshoot for entertainment magazine it will start tomorrow. I just received the memo earlier." She informed you.

You smiled, "okay, enjoy there!"

"It's okay with you?" She asked and examine your face.

Your forehead wrinkled, "of course, darling. Do I have a reason to restrict you? It's part of your work. Just make sure you're safe and comfortable there, okay?"

She chuckled, "you wanna join?"

"You know I can't, darling. I have also work and I have to take care of our little girl. Besides, I trust you so you don't have to worry" you said and kissed her cheeks. Olivia handed you a paper to cut and you gladly did.

She felt something inside of her after she heard your last sentence. It's was too sudden that made her feel stunned, she knew what it was-



Tomorrow came and she get out of the house after you and Olivia left. She's going back to her old house where Hunter lives to something that's important for her. She didn't bother to tell you since she's just going to her old house then coming home right after to pack her things.

Hunter was peacefully eating in the living room while watching a movie when his twin sister came. "Hey, Sis! How are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm just getting something." She answered plainly and go straight to the second floor to her room. Hunter followed her because she's oddly fast and he doesn't want to wait. Scarlett opens her room and gets something on her cabinet.

Hunter's eyes fixed on the thing that Scarlett's holding. Confused and a bit nervous. He thought that she threw this. A camera. A familiar one.

It's been a while since Hunter saw this because she knows how much this camera means to her. It makes her remind the owner. And he's not liking this.

"What do you have that?" He asked her sister.

"I'm returning this to its owner" she simply said.

"You're meeting him?!" Hunter asked unbelievably. Hunter tries to calm down because she doesn't want to say something to her sister. "Be honest with me, how long you've been seeing him behind Y/N's back?"

"If we've been seeing each other it's because I want to help him"

"Does Y/N know about this? About him, does Y/N know?" Hunter threw questions to her sister but again, Scarlett didn't give her a direct answer. He just run his hands to his head because of frustration and disappointment. "Are you two together again?"

"What?! No! Of course not!"

"Don't make me stupid here, Scarlett"

"What are you trying to say, Hunter?! That im cheating on her?! Is that it?!"

"Yes. Yes, you are" Hunter frankly said in front of her sister's face, slapping her with the truth. Scarlett can't form a word from what her brother just said.

"By keeping the truth from Y/N, by secretly seeing him, then this? Yes, sis. You are basically cheating on your wife and to the mother of your kid!"

Scarlett was taken aback by her brother's words but she knew somehow what's she was doing is right. "You said that he needs help, that he needs me so here I am, being there for him. I'm giving him the help that I could give."

"Even that help includes being unfaithful and wreaking your family?" Hunter fired back. He felt that he was going fo explode any minute now. He prefers to remove this unnecessary information he heard from his mind because it bugs his peace and conscience. "I told you that he needs help, but I didn't tell you to screw things up by being with him, wreaking your family, and cheating on Y/n"

"I'm not cheating on her, hunter. I'm just being a good friend."

"Are you sure? I'm not on your side here, Sis. I won't cover you for what stupid things you will do. I don't endorse cheating"


"Hey, how do you feel? Are you sure you can go tomorrow?" She asked and look at Colin while he was on chemo. Colin gives her a thumbs up and smiles. "You? Does Y/N knows?"

"Yes, she knows. I told her I've been out for three days" she said, half lying. You know that's she's going out but you didn't know the main and exact reason why. Of course, why do they tell you if they doing something behind your back?

"I have this-" Scarlett said and give him the camera. Colin smiled and take it. He observes the camera and it's still in good condition. "You keep it?"

"I don't have the heart to throw it." She softly said. Scarlett looks around and sees if either of your friends is here or you. You're in the emergency room so you won't go here if not for consultation.

"Thank you, I know you don't have to do this. But still thank you for staying with me" he said and hold her hands. She feels something familiar in his touch.

Her heart is beating for you but now it's beating for you and him. It's wrong, she knows that but she can't help.

She can't help to love you and him at the same time.


"Callie, that's Scarlett right?" Arizona said while looking at her and a man. Callie nod and look at them too. They are too sweet for their liking.

"Who is that? Does Y/N know her wife is here?" Arizona asked still watching them. Callie shrugged her shoulder.

"Maybe hes just visiting him, you know she told us he visit a friend here. And maybe she wants to surprise Y/N. Let her." Callie said.

Arizona doesn't feel like that but she keeps it. It's not her story to tell but if Y/N needs this shes going to tell her everything. Every detail.

"What if shes not?" Arizona murmured. You paged both of them since there's a trauma coming. Callie walked first. Arizona looks once more before walking.

"What are you doing here?"


Keeping secrets is fine, for privacy. But keeping them behind your partner's back? Thats another topic. Dont cheat on your partner, you dont know what you will cause if you do that. They will get a different side of every, afraid to risk and to love again. And worst, they won't believe in love. Because the reason why they believe in that; break them like glass, leave them bleeding with a silent scream for help.

See you in the chapter.

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