Chapter 10

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Claudia's POV

We reached the house, I instruct my men to bring her to the basement while I do some calls. This house feels suffocating. I remember those days I can't even go out since my father is so strict with me, even locked me in the basement when I didn't obey his rules. Mom has nothing to do with it, she let us be miserable like her.

I saw Mom and Dad's wedding picture in the living room, our picture was like a perfect family but behind that smile hide tears and screams from the abuse we've been through.

As I walk to the house I can't help myself but shed tears in every corner of this room, he beat me to death, throw means words that left scars on my heart and trauma in my head, the way he sway his palm to my cheek left a handprint but I can't do anything. I have to obey.

My feet lead me to the laundry room where the worst nightmare happened to me. I hold on to my body, disgust, and shame. I can still feel his dirty hands on me, that how many times I scrub and take a shower this handprint won't go or even be erased. It remains.

He took my life and left me with nothing but humiliation, remorse, and hatred.

"Dad, please- I didn't mean it disobey you. Let me explain" I begged him while he slowly walk towards me. I move backward until we reach the laundry room. He locked the door. I gulp thinking of a plan for how to escape.

"My little girl, what did I tell you? My number one rule is that you are not allowed to go without my permission. What did you do?"

"I'm sorry- I'm just curious. It won't happen again— let me go"

He pushed me into the wall and I try to resist but his grip are strong. I try to shout but his hands covered my mouth, he shut me up. He smirks at me and I feel sick. My heart pounding so fast. I'm terrified.

"You're mother is useless to me. She can't give me my needs now you're old enough to give me it"

"No- dad let me go! Please!"

"You're resistant won't do anything, Claudia!"

"I'm your daughter! Please don't do this to me!"

"And im your father, you do what I said"

He punched my stomach that make me fall to the ground. He pushed me and start to touch my body, tears rolled down my eyes. His touch is like a knife, leaving cuts all over my skin that can't be healed. He bit me. Hard. Like an angry wolf in the middle of the night dragging a body and slowly ravishing it. My screams were like music to his ears, sobs begging for mercy is like a butterfly for him. He didn't stop, my misery encourage him to go on, to humiliate me.

"Stop— please!"


"You make this, you made me a monster when all I asked is to feel the love that you two didn't give me. I just want to feel it. I just want to be loved and to feel love but why when I have it, people trying to get it away from me?!"

Because of my anger, I get the picture and smash it. The broken glass scattered around the floor like what they did to me. I ripped the picture and throw it in the trash.

I go down to the basement and saw her wide awake. She looks at me angrily, I smile at her and slowly walk towards her. She tries to get out of the handcuffs. I darkly chuckle at her struggles. "Let me out of here, Claudia!"

"Honey, did you have a nice nap?"

"Give me back to my family, Claudia. You've caused a lot to me and don't make me choose to hurt you"

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