Chapter 4

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I'm here on the balcony of our house while I sip on my coffee. I've been here for two weeks now. It's just a vacation because Claudia has business here and we're living in London.

It's been also a week since I get to encounter that kid who I bump into the book store. I go there yesterday hoping I might see her again, she was oddly familiar to me.

After that accident, I forgot everything, I can even remember my name but thankfully Claudia got me on time. She tells me everything we have, that im married to her and we had a kid but sadly she didn't survive. For the two years I've been sleeping I feel so weak and unfamiliar with my surrounding. I had a lot of treatment and physical therapy.

I wake up with a massive headache like someone smashing something on my head. The room is too bright for my sight and I can't move any of my limbs. Doctors rushed in and check me. I'm already panicking, I don't know where am I and-

I don't know who I am.

I pushed them away, taking off the wires attached to my body though I can really move. I feel like my body got numb and paralyzed. What happened to me?

I'm pushing them away will all the powers left in my body, taking their hands off me. I'm screaming and tears are already falling. I don't know what happened to me but I feel something is wrong. Everything that's happening right now is wrong.

They inject something that made me feel drowsy and then again, the darkness overcome my sight making me fall asleep again.

"She'll be awake any moment. But be more understanding to her, she got amnesia. If she panicked like what happened earlier you can call us" I heard a man said and I think he's a doctor. I don't know this place so I don't trust anyone.

"Okay, just make sure my wife is okay. Thank you, Smith" Wife? I have a wife?

When I heard the door close I remain in my position, faking my sleep. Footsteps from her are the only thing you can hear aside from the beeping sounds on the monitor. She holds my hands and I feel the warmth. I don't know but my body immediately trusts her. Is that because I know she's my wife? Or I just don't know who am I?

I open my eyes and met her gaze, her face lit up when she saw me. She stands and hugs, "I miss you so much, thank God for your awake" she mumbles.

"Do you need anything? Water? Food? Are you hungry?" I shook my head, "where am I? And- and who are you?"

She sits beside me and caresses my face, "im your wife, honey. I'm Claudia. You don't remember?"

"We're married? How long?"

"Four years. I help you to remember everything" she said and smiled at me.

"Then what's my name?"

"You're Harriet Y/N Y/L/N-Sanchez." She said and show me a birth certificate and our wedding picture. I nod and look at the pictures. It's me. And im married. Wow. I really forgot my life and even my name.

"How long I've been sleeping? Sorry for so many questions, I don't remember any single thing about me"

"it's totally okay, ask me whatever you want. You've been sleeping for two years and a half. You got into a coma after the accident. You're head hit a rock that damage your brain. They need you to put you in a coma so your brain will heal by itself" she informed me. I'm so confused and I have so many questions running through my mind and heart. I want to ask everything now but im too tired and my head is still hurt.

Starting Over AgainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz