Chapter 16

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A week later.

Scarlett is been busier than usual though you didn't mind because you're busy too with your work. She came home late, you didn't know that until Olivia said it to you one time when you fetch her again because Scarlett is busy. It's okay with you to fetch your daughter so you two can bond but it took some time to be there since your work is 30 mins away from Olivia's school.

You took a half day so you and Olivia can prepare for the 'date' you two are planning. Olivia is decorating while you cook. You let her do her thing while you do yours. After you two settled and everything is perfect. You change into a plain polo shirt and black trousers. You ready your gift for your wife.

"Mama here's the flowers," Olivia said and give you the bouquet of red and white roses. You smile at your daughter and thank her by kissing her on her forehead.

"Where do you find this at this hour? Impressive!"

"A for the effort!" Olivia uttered and giggle. "Wait, mama. Have you contacted mommy?"

"No, she's not answering my calls. Her phone is probably off that's why I can't contact her" you said and look at your phone again hoping she answer your 20 missed calls.

"It's fine, mama. For now, let's get your hair fixed so mommy will be happy to see you" Olivia suggests to divert her mind. She didn't you answer, pulling your arms and forcing you to sit down.

"Why? I didn't look good?"

"Mama, you look so fine. But hello? This is only happening this night so we have to make you look good so you can score to mommy" Olivia cheered you.

You just scratch the back of your neck since you can't do anything with your daughter's silliness. She has the point after all.

You fix your polo and yourself. Make sure you look fine in her eyes. Olivia just watches your move and also looks at herself. You both smile at the mirror. She's really your child.

"Wow, mama. You look hot"

"I know, bubs." You said and wink at the mirror. Olivia just laughs at you. My child.

You still feel nervous. Are you still nervous about what might happen later? What if she didn't like this? Or what if she just rejects you? By thinking about this you started to drown yourself with the thought or rejections. It's like you're taking her again on your first date.

"Mama, you'll be fine," Olivia said, she sense your nervousness. It's written on your face. You try to hide the fear in your eyes, but your daughter is like your carbon copy. She knows when her mama is not okay.

"What if she didn't like this? Or she didn't come home?"

"What do you mean she won't come home? This is her house, duh. Mama, think positive. You just attracting negativity" your daughter scolded you. You just sighed and nodded. You smiled at how your daughter cheered you. Indeed Olivia is a blessing to your life that you'll be forever thankful for.

"Thank you, bubs!"

"No problem, mama. Now smile" Olivia answered.

You and Olivia waited for her. Minutes and hours passed but still no presence of Scarlett.

8 pm 

"Olivia, you should go to your room and take a rest. You still have school tomorrow" you said to her.

"But—" she about to complain when you cut her sentence off by carrying her to her room.

"I'll wait for her here." Olivia didn't resist anymore. You know your child is also tired of waiting since you two set everything a while ago.

"Okay, mama. Good night. Tell me everything tomorrow" she said and you nod. You carry her and you already heard soft snores that make you chuckle. You tuck her to her bed and kiss her forehead before you left.

You sit back on the sofa and contacted her again but to your dismay, she's still not answering her phone. Your nervousness turns into concern. You're already worried about your wife. 

11 pm.

You already feel sleepy but you can't sleep without her. You don't care anymore about the plan just her to come home safe. She should be here already.

11:30 pm

You're about to dial her number again but you stop when you heard a car engine outside the house. Its Scarlett. You want to be mad at her for coming home late, for making you and Olivia wait and waste the plan you two did. You want to but you cant.

You wait for her in the living room. Emotionless. You feel invalidated. It's fine if she comes home late but cants she just text or even call us so we won't worry here.

"Why are you still awake?" She asked and look at you. You look at her with coldness in your eyes. Her eyes travel from your head to toe. "Where are you going?"

"Where did you go and you come home late?"

"At my friend's house"

"On a friend's house but one text or call you cant do? How important is that friend to you and you forgot that your child and your wife is a worried mess?" You asked but this time your tone rise make her startled. "On a friend's house, Scarlett?"

"Wait a minute, why are you acting like that huh? Do I need to explain and tell you everything about where I went or who I talked to? Are you my dad?" She raised her tone as well. Shes are also tired. She just dont gets it why are you so mad.

"I've waited for you for more than 6 hours then thats what are you gonna tell me? Wow, Scarlett. Just wow" you're trying so hard to be calm because you dont want to raise your voice since Olivia is already asleep.

"And so? Did I tell you to wait for me? As far as I remember I dont"

Her words stab you straight to the heart, ripping you in half. You didnt know how much it hurts until you feel your knees weak at her tone and choice of words.

"Im not the only one who waits for you. God, Scarlett you're the mother of my kid, of course, I have the right to ask you and wait for you here. Shes also worried and I try my best to keep her occupied while me, im panicking already. Yeah, you didnt ask me to wait for you but I want to do it after what happened. Fine, dont think about me, but please think about Olivia."

"And im sorry if I demand. Im am sorry if I demand your time. Im just your wife. Just a wife and the mother of your kid. Who am I to demand right? Sorry, I forgot, ill do better next time. It won't happen again" You said walked upstairs, tears streaming down and heart aching. Before you leave, you give her the flowers and a long velvet box that is supposed to be your gift.

"Don't wait for me because I don't ask you to do it," you said and left the house.

While Scarlett is left standing watch you leave the house. She decided to go to the garden to breathe but she saw a romantic table set up, rose petals on the grass with candle lights. Her eyes widened until boom, it clicks her.

She understands why shes so mad at her. It's all her fault. Shes losing her time for her family. She suddenly feels the urge to open the velvet box that reveals a necklace with the letter S and a heart. She felt a pain in her chest. She felt guilty for how she acted and what she said to you. She was there, crying for how sorry she was.

Shes feel so stupid and sorry for what she did to you.


Dont you dare try to invalidate someone's feelings because you dont know how much it will wreak them. Dont make them a fool and stupid because they just acting so you two won't be apart.

I'm working on the next chapters and I want to finish this book because I'm planning something. So yeah. 2 updates for today.

See you in the next chapter.

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