32 (last chapter)

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a/n: read the lyrics if you want to, it adds to the story

people say that the saddest days happened on cloudy or rainy days, and it was true for choi yeonjun.

by the time his father finished recounting what happened that day, all three of them were heavy hearted, his father in tears and his mother cupping a hand over her mouth as she cried. choi yeonjun, on the other hand, didn't do much. no tears left his eyes, no words left his chapped lips, he was just—emotionless.

"i'm going out."

and without another word, yeonjun sprinted out of the front door, and not turning back once.

he ran and he ran, he ran as far as his legs could take him. his legs moved on his own, and his brain only had one location in mind.

"soobin! look over there!"

six year old yeonjun said, dragging a five year old soobin right behind him. it was nighttime, and yeonjun was pointing at the sky, a shooting star visible as it shone in the night sky.

"make a wish soobinnie! mummy says that shooting stars will grant loads of wishes!"

and so they did.

"i wish that i can be with soobinnie forever, even when we are old and when we have to walk with canes."

yeonjun said, giggling and he looked at soobin, who smiled back at him.

"and i wish that i can marry choi yeonjun, because he's my bestest friend forever and always!"

yeonjun was still running, this time he feels his throat forming a lump, and he tries to fight it away. stupid memories, why do they come back at the worst timing possible???

eight year old yeonjun had a sleepover at seven year old soobin's house, the older snuggled in a sleeping bag on the floor while the younger lay on his own bed.


the older squeals out, getting out of his sleeping bag, his fox onesie hugging his small frame comfortably. he climbs up onto soobin's bed, and lay next to him, wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

"mummy used to do this to me when i was younger, and it made me feel safe. i want to keep soobunny safe from bad guys too!"

soobin giggles at the older's words, and he snuggles his face into the older's chest, feeling the warmth from his one and only friend melt into his own, and suddenly, it's almost as if it was just two of them alone on this world.

maybe having only one friend is a good thing after all.

the sky was turning grey, thunderclouds filling the formerly light blue sky. yeonjun heard imminent thunder, but he remained unfazed, only focusing on the location where he wanted to go to so badly.

ten year old yeonjun crossed his fingers with nine year old soobin as the two of them crossed the street.

"don't run away!"

the older reprimands, and the younger nods, grinning at the other with adoration.

"i want ice cream!"

"i'll buy you mint chocolate later."

"no! that's disgusting! i want vanilla."

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