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beomgyu side eyed yeonjun in self study lesson, who was next to him. he was writing something on a blue piece of paper, and he caught a glimpse at some of the words. but what put him off was the last three words that he scribbled without thought.

"i love you"

beomgyu chewed on his lip, a sickening feeling filling in his stomach. he watched as yeonjun puts the letter into a yellow envelope and puts it under his table, and takes out his notebook and pretended to take down notes, but in reality he's just drawing baby foxes.

"what were you doing?"

beomgyu interjects, and yeonjun looks at him, slightly off guard. he raises his eyebrows, pretending to look confused.


"what were you writing just now?"


yeonjun lied with such conviction, and beomgyu almost believes it, but he continues to press on, knowing that it's more than just that.

"stop lying."

"lying about what?"

"you're writing to soobin aren't you?"

beomgyu says, his tone was slightly accusing, which put yeonjun off.

"and what if i am?"

"well you can't."

"we aren't even dating, what makes you think that you can gatekeep me?"

yeonjun glares at the fuming doe eyed boy, and beomgyu actually felt intimidated. he tries his best to glare back, but it all really just looked as if he was staring at him in the eyes instead.

"but what's the point of writing to him when he doesn't even write back?"

beomgyu mumbles, rolling his eyes.

"it's like talking to a corpse. i doubt he's even going to open those ugly yellow envelopes of yours anyways."

beomgyu spats out, however he regrets it almost a second later. yeonjun stares at him, his eyes suddenly filling up with tears. he stands up abruptly, knocking over his chair in anger, which earned stares from the people around them. unfazed, yeonjun continues to stare at beomgyu, face unreadable.

"fuck off choi beomgyu."

he hisses, before kicking beomgyu's chair and walking out of the classroom, feeling the sudden urge to punch something, leaving a half guilty and half angry beomgyu to his thoughts.


"and then he just fucking kicked my chair and walked away. i dont know where he is even going."

beomgyu ranted to his friends, angrily poking his lunch. he never felt heartbreak like this before. it was sickening. why was he even angry and yeonjun writing "i love you" anyway?

"do you ever think that you like yeonjun hyung?"

taehyun asks, and hueningkai nods.

"yea! i mean no one will get angry over their friend saying i love you to someone else right? unless you are the possessive type of course.."

beomgyu sighs, and he pokes his food again, successfully poking his 15th hole through the styrofoam plate.

"woah hyung did you actually manage to poke 15 holes with one plastic fork?"

hueningkai says, actually amazed.

"shut the fuck up."

beomgyu retorts, and looks down at his dented fork and hole-y plate.

do i like yeonjun hyung?

he looks up again, only to start regretting his decision when he saw hueningkai flirting at taehyun and taehyun flirting back.

and a thought ran past his head.


the two of them were at the classroom with snacks, staring out the window. yeonjun was munching on chips, and beomgyu was hugging his knees to his chest. yeonjun suddenly laughs, making beomgyu curious.


"you look like a bear."


beomgyu laughs, staring at the older in amusement.

"you're playful, weird, and you care a lot. did you know that bears care a lot for their family members? it's cute."

"how do you know all of these anyways?"

"i googled them up."

beomgyu chuckles lightly, and he hesitantly stretches out his hands, a sign for yeonjun to hug him.

"so suddenly?"

yeonjun questions, laughing.

"i'm a clingy bitch."

"then you're my clingy bitch."

yeonjun replies, hugging the younger tightly in his arms.

and beomgyu swore that he'll never forget that day for the rest of his life, because that was the first time choi yeonjun hugged him.


"bro are you ok?"

hueningkai asks, waving his hand in front of beomgyu's face. beomgyu snaps back into reality, nodding before getting up from his seat.

"let's go back to class."

a/n: oh im soft for yeongyu.

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