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yeonjun walked, or rather; he dragged his feet, into the classroom, eyes fixated on the floor in front of him. he was exhausted from the sudden news that crashed onto him just a few days ago, and he has been missing lessons and spending majority of his time staying in the vacant toilet stall crying his eyes out.

"finally, mr choi yeonjun is attending my classes. don't be late ever again."

his classmates sneered, and some even laughed audibly. yeonjun feels his ears burn red, and he chewed on his lip from trying to blurt out curse words. he sighed, brushing off his teacher with a curt nod and walking to his seat, next to beomgyu.

"you ok?"

his best friend asks, concerned. he could sense the uneasinesses radiating from the older, and he knew that with the unnecessary attention that yeonjun was getting, he'll get a panic attack sooner or later.

"i'm fine. thanks for asking."

yeonjun replies, lying through his teeth. every person in the planet could tell that the distressed boy wasn't okay, his downcast and swollen eyes, his sunken cheekbones and skinny figure stood out. his clothes hung around him, which made his bony self look even skinnier than before.

"you're lying hyung, but i'm not going to rush you to tell me."

beomgyu says cooly, which sends a shiver down yeonjun's spine, something which he never experienced since he was with soobin. beomgyu interlaced his own hands with yeonjun's, and he squeezes it comfortingly.

"i'm always here for you."


before the two of them knew it, lessons flew by in a blink of an eye. they weren't even paying attention, time seemed to pass by quickly when the both of them were together.


the class stands up abruptly, and all of them chattered loudly and left the room, making their way to the cafeteria, leaving beomgyu and yeonjun in the classroom alone.

beomgyu packed his bags, and was about to leave when yeonjun stops him.

"can we meet at the empty classroom later?"

yeonjun pleads, which instantly triggers beomgyu's brotherly instincts. he nods, sending a small but genuine smile in yeonjun's way.

and yeonjun's heart fluttered.


yeonjun's legs seemed to be working on their own, and he suddenly found himself in the classroom where he and beomgyu hang out at almost daily. he takes a seat at one of the beanbags, playing with his fingers while he waited for the familiar boy to enter the classroom.

the sun shone inside the classroom through the window, and yeonjun found it oddly comforting, it's like being near a fireplace in a snowy day. seeing the sun shine into the empty box of a room made him smile unconsciously.

the sunrays were soobin, and he shone inside yeonjun's life without meaning to, but yeonjun loved it nonetheless.

"hey hyung."

yeonjun looks at the door, and realised that beomgyu was there, a bunch of snacks in his hands.

"we ran out, so i went to get some."

he laughed, plopping the countless number of chips in front of yeonjun, which sends a smile on the older's face. yeonjun tears open a bag, and threw a bunch of chips into his mouth.


beomgyu sits next to yeonjun, and he finds himself trying not to squeal in delight when yeonjun accidentally brushed his fingers next to his by accident while trying to grab for the jellies.


beomgyu could melt right there and then. the older's voice was so...hot? he likes how yeonjun's calm and velvety voice sounded in his ears, and he just loves it whenever the older laughed, it's so angelic and he could listen to it all the time.

however the older rarely laughed this week, actually he wasn't even around majority of the time, and it pained beomgyu whenever he saw his hyung rushing to the toilet every hour with tears in his eyes. if it is related to choi soobin i swear to god i will make him pay.

"you ok gyu?"

beomgyu snaps back into reality, and he nods.

"i'm fine."

the duo shares a mutual silence again, and beomgyu being the natural extrovert he is would normally be uncomfortable, but the silence was so comforting, and he could feel warmth radiating from the older, which he loved. the both of them stared out at the window, where the sunlight was still entering the classroom.

"my grandfather died."

yeonjun says, his voice sounding far away even though he was just sitting right next to beomgyu. the younger looks at the older, who didn't meet his eyes, for he knew that if he looked at the younger he would start shedding tears again.

"i'm sorry."

beomgyu says, reaching for the older's hand and rubbing circles on it, in an attempt to make the older feel comforted. the sudden skinship made yeonjun's throat tighten, and he feel the familiar feeling of tears prickling his eyes. he felt so comforted and comfortable, and he could no longer keep his strong facade up anymore.

"soobin still hasn't replied after months beomgyu."

yeonjun chokes out, tears overflowing and cascading down his cheeks. he didn't sob, but silent tears were making their way down his cheeks, and beomgyu found it extremely ethereal. how does he look so good while crying?

"i'm so scared gyu. soobin hasn't responded to me in ages, and i'm not sure if he's okay or not. he isn't replying to messages and i can't get hold of his parents either. what if he left me gyu? what if he joined my grandfather? what if he's dead?"

"when was the last time you saw him?" beomgyu asks, trying his best to sound as comforting as possible. he gingerly brought the weeping boy into his embrace, allowing his distressed tears to seep into his hoodie.

"since my surgery."

beomgyu nods, heaving a soft sigh. he nuzzles his head into yeonjun's nape, and his heart suddenly filling with uneasinesses.


yeonjun slowly pulls away, and looks at beomgyu in the eyes, his own red and puffy. his cheeks were tinted pink, and his plump lips were puckered into a pout.


"did your parents ever tell you who donated you their heart?"

beomgyu asks, hands still interlaced with the older's. his face drops slightly after realising that yeonjun shook his head.

"it's an anonymous donor."

the younger's eyebrows furrowed, and he said something which nearly sent the whole world crashing down on yeonjun.

"i'm not saying it happened, but it's a possibility, but could have soobin donated you his heart?"


a/n: half assed chapter but 💁🏻‍♀️

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