Episode 2 "The Man in the SUV" Part 2

Start from the beginning

Temp then cuts in "What if you and Tessa were going to break up, but you didn't want to?" "Which I don't." "Well, I'm positing a scenario. Tessa wants to break up, and you don't want to, so she poisons you." "No, no, no." "And then, just to make sure, she blows you up with a bomb." "Why, would Tessa do that?" "Exactly. Thank you." "See, 'cause Tessa and I... that's a bad example." "You're a couple in love, right?" "Why do you keep bringing up Tessa? I mean, why? What's the big deal? I mean, is it so odd for you that I have someone in my life?" "We were talking about couples. It's a natural segue." "All right, you know, you have to quit using the word 'segue' and 'eschew.' All right? They... sound French." "You keep changing the subject. I get it. You're sensitive about you and Tessa." "Why aren't we talking about you and your boyfriend?" "I don't have a boyfriend." "You just said that as though it's a good thing. And you know what? It's a very, very, sad comment on your personal life." 

I cut in, "Uhhh... Ranger. I don't have a boyfriend either." "Look, you're angry again." Temp phone rings and she answers it and puts it on speaker, "Brennan." Zack then speaks, "The bomb insulation was made from Pyrobar, which was used by an architect named William Allard. He was known for developing the Woodley Park neighborhood around 1910." Booth looks at us, "That is where Farid lives. Okay, hold on." He turns on his siren and we swurved around. I pip in again, "I knew it. I was right again. No wonder you couldn't get his medicals, Ranger. He already knew what was poisoning him." Booth noods and looks at Temp "All right, just stay in contact with your boys, and tell them we're going to need them. All right, listen, Bones. All right, we're heading into a very unknown situation. I think it's best that you stay in the car." "Why does Ven, get to go?!" "It's because she is my backup, and she knows how to deal with this situation. Okay, then, you know, if you have to come in with us, then stay behind either of us." Temp looks at him not amused, "Fine. Just be careful, all right? You ready for this Blueberry." "I will always be ready for you Ranger."

Booth kicks down the door and we entered with our guns out and Temp behind us. Booth speaks out "Okay, anybody asks that door was open. Bones stay right here. Come on Blueberry. FBI, Farid! Show yourself." We check the rooms and clearing them.  Temp then calls for me as she was on the line with Hodgins. "Farid was making something here." I look at it making sure Hodgins could hear me, "There's melted plastic, bottles of chlorine and Dioxin. Yup these are what was used to make the explosive." Hodgins pitches in "I concur." We then hear Booth call for us. "The insulation. Farid definitely made the bomb. He killed his brother. Hamid must have been killed because he found his brother making dioxin. All right, that's probably how they got contaminated." "Ranger look a mechanic's guide for Hamid's SUV. Page on the odometer... dog-eared." Temp then went through his box chest. "Ah! He wasn't a Christian. 'Deceit in the service of Allah is holy.'" Booth then asks, "The Koran?" I shake my head "No. An Imam's twisted interpretation of the Koran, so that mass murders don't have to feel guilt." Booth then takes out something from under the bed, "He's made another bomb. It's out there right now." Temp nods grabbing her phone and talking to Hodgins and I. "What's the dispersal rate for a bomb packed with say, two liters of dioxin?" Hodgins starts speaking, "A homemade device similar to the car bomb?" I cut him off "That would be 300 to 500 meters." "Yeah, if the victims weren't killed, they'd develop cancer, blindness, lesions, diabetes." Booth then speaks up after looking through a book. "Today's date is marked. Call Homeland Security. They'll secure the apartment."

We are in the car as Booth was talking on the phone "There's a convenience store across the street from Farid's apartment. The owner saw him get on to a bus and head downtown." I look over seeing Temp talking to the rest of the team, "We're not sure what bus. Booth is checking with the FBI now. If you find anything ..." Angie then cuts in "I know. It's just these bus schedules are totally confusing." I look back at Booth "Yeah. We saw his datebook. He had 5:30 circled. Just check anything that has to do with 5:30, begins, ends, whatever. Yeah. I'm not going anywhere." Temp then notifies Booth "Angela's checking, too. I still don't understand why Farid would kill his brother." "Because both of them were developing symptoms, man, and people were going to start asking questions, and then Farid- he would have been exposed. He had a mission to accomplish." "How the hell does he think he's bringing about a better world by blowing people up?" "Fanaticism and logic don't go hand in hand." I then added, "And yet, it still makes sense to them." Temp "It's almost 5:30. Come on, Angela. Anything between Woodley Park and downtown... Peace conference, Hamilton Cultural Center. That's it." Booth nods "That's got to be it. Okay, Gibson, just get your boys over to the Hamilton Cultural Center. Just keep them back when you get there. You understand me? If you spook this guy, he'll blow himself up before we can take him out." 

Temp thanks Angie and they both hang up as Both looks over at Temp. "You know, you don't have to come." "You've got to be kidding me." We are now inside the Hamilton Cultural Center as Booth speaks "We'll start down here and we'll make our way upstairs." We look around and I look at Booth and Temp "I got nothing here. Do any of you see him?" They shake their heads no as Temp speaks, "There are too many ways in. Where are the reinforcements?" We are now heading up as Booth speaks, "I'm sure they're downstairs tying up the horses." "Sacrasm doesn't help." "Okay, they're mobilizing SWAT teams and additional agents, but it takes time. And if Farid has the bomb, spots them, that could be bad." I am up ahead by a few feet as they were talking, looking around. A few minutes later I hear Temp who was a few feet behind me. "There! That's Farid." I look and see the man she was pointing at, I aimed my gun at him as I wait as Booth speaks, "I'm not sure." "Look, his walk is labored from the dioxin poisoning, and the parietal bones in his skull match his picture." "His back's to us. What if you're wrong?" "This is what I do, Booth. Do you really want to wait? He's carrying something heavy in his camera bag. See? The actual weight is causing his shoulder to..." "No, I can't." "He has all the markers, Booth." "I need a face. I need a face!" I hear Temp calling Farid name out and he turns around and sees them and Booth tells him to get on the ground. I hear Booth curse. I knew that his gun was jammed and before Farrid could press the button I whistled at him causing him to and the others to look at me as I shoot Farid right between the eyes. This causes everyone to shout and run. I slowly lower my gun as the Homeland Security agents take the bomb. I slowly look up to Booth and Temp with no expression, as they watch me walk over to them. Booth could see the hurt look I have in my eyes and wraps his arm over me consoling me as Temp holds my hand in comfort as we make our way out of the building.

We were in the car as we were all quiet. Booth looks over at me, "Hey Blueberry you want to join us to a restaurant." I look at him with a small smile shaking my head. "No, it's okay Ranger. I just want to go home and take some time to myself. Could you drop me off at Temps. and my place?" "Yeah, of course. Remember, we are here for you all right." "Yeah, thank you. Both of you." They give me a small smile as we get back to Temps and my apartment. Temp pats my head saying that she will see me soon and I wave them goodbye as I make my way to my room and cry. I start remembering all the things I had done during my time in the military and then I fall asleep.

-No Ones POV-

Booth and Brennan were at the Chinese food place sitting down on the bar table. "I told them to tell the press that it was an undercover operation." "But it would be a Rose Garden ceremony. That's an honor, right? I thought people like medals especially you FBI guys." "There's no pleasure in taking someone's life. Blueberry knows as I do that it's nothing to celebrate." "She saved so many people, Booth. It was either her or you that was going to shoot him anyways. Don't forget that." "Yea, but it should've been me. I know we both took countless lives before, but I could handle the pain much better than her. I was already an adult who signed up into the military. She was just a kid who was forced into a job that she became good at. She never asked or wanted to take any lives. That would traumatize any kid." "Yeah, it would. But we are here for her, and she could talk to you about it. You're the closet to understand what she went through." Booth smile at Brennan "Want another drink?"



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