She swallowed. She had to go on. Only where to? Every time she blinked, images appeared in her mind's eye. How she climbed into a capsule next to her companions. A hut next to a waterfall. How she fired energy bolts at fleeing people. A Namekian smiling at her. Was this the same Namekian she had just fled?

Her head was pounding. She couldn't think straight. Where should she fly to now, when she didn't even know which planet she was on or how she had got here? Keep flying for now. Just lying down on the ground was no solution either.

Rocks and lakes whizzed by beneath her. Only a few trees stood in the barren landscape. What kind of planet was this? The guy who had held her captive had been a Namekian. But that did not necessarily mean that it was also the planet Namek.

Had she landed here on a mission? Then where was her squad? She had never done a mission on her own.

Abruptly she stopped. Yes, there had been something. She was supposed to find someone. Secretly, so Frieza wouldn't know. She was supposed to convince him to join them and together they could break away from Frieza. Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, she and he as the last living Saiyans might have a chance against Frieza together. So they could finally live free again.

At the edge of her perception, she noticed something. Turning her head in that direction, she saw nothing in particular. Just barren landscape. And yet she had the feeling that behind the small range of hills there was something she should look at. As if there was a light shining there that only she could see.

She followed this feeling and flew towards the range of hills. When she reached the highest point of the hills, she saw Frieza's spaceship below her. Was that what had attracted her? Someone was standing on the roof of the spaceship. A man with an orange suit and black hair that stuck out wildly in all directions.

He was the source of this inexplicable attraction she felt. Sitara flew straight at him, not sparing a thought for cover. He must have noticed her because he looked over at her.

As he looked at her, uncontrollable images again rushed into Sitara. The Namekian. Burning houses. A boy smiling at her. Screaming people. The guy on the spaceship who attacked her. A binge with her squad.

The images changed more and more rapidly. Her head seemed to explode. She groaned in pain. She could no longer hold herself in the air and fell several yards. She hit the ground hard and lay there for a moment, dazed.

- - - - - -

In disbelief, Piccolo looked at his hands. They looked the same as always. He felt over his face, then his chest. Unchanged. Searchingly, he looked around, then took three large steps to the nearest lake to look at his reflection.

The Namekian Nail had been right. Outwardly, Piccolo had not changed. Instead, he felt a huge power within himself. He could only have acquired this strength with years of training. Now it was simply there, because he had merged with Nail.

He felt Nail's presence. He was not gone. He was now a part of him. "Thank you," Piccolo whispered against the wind and he thought he perceived an approving nod.

After Piccolo had processed the shock of Sitara's behaviour and her sudden disappearance, he had refocused on Gohan's aura. He had to help the boy now.

Piccolo had flown several miles when he noticed a body lying on the ground. He had hesitated for a moment whether he should help, but then his curiosity had won out. The wounded man was Nail, the servant and protector of the Grand Elder. He was badly wounded. He was bleeding in countless places. His breathing was heavy.

Piccolo knew he could no longer help the Namekian. His last breaths were numbered. But then he made Piccolo an offer to merge. After some thought, Piccolo agreed.

I am Kera, a Saiyan Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now