The end

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I stand at the end of the Aisle, looking over the guests of our wedding.

Familiar faces of friends and family are spread throughout the room, waiting for the main event to start.

A few minutes of waiting later, the sound of the large doors opening catches the attention of everyone in the room.

Looking towards the door, I see Suisei entering the room, wearing her wedding dress. We had practiced this event multiple times in the rehearsals, but this is the first time I've seen the wedding dress that Suisei is wearing.

I admired the blue haired girl as she walked down the aisle. And soon enough she was now standing next to me.

Y/N: You look amazing in the dress

Suisei: Thanks, Kanata and Aloe said you'd like it

Y/N: They were spot on then.

We turn towards the officiant, a familiar looking middle-aged man that we have known for multiple years now.

Y/N: Thanks for being here Yagoo-san

Yagoo: There's no problem in helping a close friend right?

Y/N: Yes, there isn't. Once again, you have my thanks.

Suisei: You have my thanks as well, Yagoo-san

Yagoo: You're welcome, shall we begin now?


Anemachi: Sui-chan congratulations!

Once again, Anemachi is crying for her sister. This has happened multiple whenever something major happened to Suisei. It seems she really does love her little sister

Suisei: Anemachi please stop crying

Anemachi: But my sister just got married~

Suisei hugs her older sister to make her stop crying.

Suisei: There, there, Anemachi. I'll still be your little sister.

Mamamachi: Speaking of getting married, when will you get married Anemachi?

Anemachi: I'll need to find someone I like first!

Mamamachi: Well better find them quick or you'll grow old without anyone

Anemachi: Okay...

Laughter ensues lightening the situation.

Mom: Congratulations on getting married Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks mom. Is dad not here?

Mom: He says he got stuck in traffic and to say congratulations for him. But honestly he should've just taken a day off for his son's big day.

Y/N: It's fine, at least he's still coming right?

Mom: Yes, you're right

My father arrived an hour later while apologizing a lot. He later joined the rest of the family members to eat in the buffet.

After eating, some more minor events was held. With Suisei being a former member of hololive, some former coworkers performed some songs for the event.

Finally, the bouquet throw. Suisei faces backwards from the crowd and throws a bouquet of flowers to awaiting crowd behind her.

Multiple people tried catching the flowers, trying to get closer to where it's going to land. The crowd parted revealing the person catching the bouquet.

As the crowd parted, the person with the flowers was revealed to be none other than Anemachi.

She waved the bouquet of flowers around with tears coming out of her eyes. While the crowd claps and congratulates the crying girl.

At the end of the day, me and Suisei drives off. The guests each going to their own homes.

We arrived at a house. It wasn't the holohouse, the apartment building that we have called home for years, but a new home me and Suisei will be living at from now on.

It was still quite far from being called home as it was still quite empty, only having the necessary appliances of a house.

We place down multiple picture frames of memorable events in the past. Our picture on our Reunion, a picture in the holohouse, some pictures of Suisei's first solo concert, and finally a big group picture of most of the attendees in our wedding.

Y/N: Look nice?

Suisei: Yes, it's just right


Y/N: I'll be going to work now!

Suisei: Have a safe trip~

???: See you later dad!

Y/N: Yes, I'll see you later too Hina

We say goodbye to dad which has become a routine everyday for us.

I sat down on the couch and turn on the TV, switching it to the channel with my favorite morning cartoon.

During the half time break, the doorbell to our house rang.

Suisei: Hina, can you answer the door?

Hina: Okay mom

I run to the door so I don't miss the show after it comes back from the short break. I slowly open the door

Hina: Who is it?

I opened a door to see a boy around the same age as me carrying something on him.

???: Good morning, we'll be moving in starting today. My mother said to bring these to you.

Hina: I see, I'll bring these to my mom then. Thank you...?

Kota: My name is Kota

Hina: Okay then Kota-kun, My name is Hina. Thanks for the gifts!


A/N: And that's the end of the story!

As you can see, the end is similar to how you met Suisei. Will the two go on a similar Journey? Who knows.

This won't be the last time I'll write about this story. As I said before that I'll write extra chapters for this story that takes place during some timeskips that occurred.

However this will be it for the main story. I honestly didn't expect a story I started writing on a whim to go this long. But I did discover that I liked writing because of this.

I have some planned fics for other hololive members after this, but to when I'll release them I'm still not sure as I still have some school work to do.

And once again, I'd like to thank everyone who's made it this far.

Thank you!

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