Beyond the stage: Stage 1

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I wake up early as today is the first day for the 2nd Holofes consert. I go through my usual daily routine and got ready to leave.

I walk outside my apartment and stood just outside the door to wait for the other to come out.

The first to come out was Suisei, then Kanata and Coco, and lastly Nene and Aloe.

Out of the group, only Kanata and Coco were going to perform today. Suisei performs tommorow but wants to watch. Nene and Aloe were going to be the announcers for the events today.

Y/N: Everyone ready? Yamamoto-san is outside now.

Coco: Did you forget anything Kanatan?

Kanata: I have everything I need with me. How about you two?

Aloe: I didn't forget anything

Nene: Me too~

Suisei: That means everyone is ready. Let's go. Anemachi we'll be leaving now!~

Suisei calls out to Anemachi in her room. A small "okay" was heard inside the room. And after that we get going.

We went down the apartment and into the parking lot. In the distance, we saw Yamamoto standing next to a Van with a cover corp logo on it.

Y/N: Thank you for being our driver for today, Yamamoto-san

Yamamoto: No problem, glad I could help. Now let's get going we still need to pick up a few more members.

Me and Suisei sits down at the front of the Van, next to the driver with Suisei being in-between me and Yamamoto.

The rest climbs inside the back of the Van.

Yamamoto: Please wear your seat belts. We're going to leave now.

Me and Suisei puts on our seat belts as Yamamoto drives the Van outside the building. I look outside the window, watching the passing buildings.

Suisei once again leans onto my shoulder while the van silently goes on. I decide to break the silence and start talking.

Y/N: Thinking about it, this will be my first time watching a concert not being part of the Audience.

Aloe: Really?

Suisei: Yeah, he always came to concerts I was part in~

Coco: How sweet of you, Y/N~

Y/N: Yeah, yeah~ I only started working at cover after the first holofes after Yagoo recruited me.

Yamamoto: Yagoo-san recruited you? First time I heard of that.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess I didn't tell you.

Yamamoto: Not that it was necessary though.

We continued talking during the trip, picking up more of stage one's performers.

An hour later, we arrived at Toyasu pit. The venue of the today's lives as well as the previous ones.

We all got off the Van except for Yamamoto who leaves immediately to pick up the rest of the performers.

Once we got inside, everyone went their separate ways leaving me and Suisei together.

Y/N: It seems we're the ones left. I'll be helping as much as I can, I don't want to stand here doing nothing.

Suisei: Then I'll come with you to help.

Me and Suisei went around helping with the Setup of the concert, at first the staff were reluctant to receive help from Suisei, getting worried that she'd get hurt before her performance. But reluctantly agrees after further insisting.

Staff: Alright Suisei-san, just be careful and don't get hurt before the concert.

Suisei: I won't, I promise to be careful~

After another hour of helping, the rest of the performers arrived and music started playing as the event was about to start.

Everyone did their final rehearsals while Nene and Aloe started talking through the speakers to thank the sponsors for the event.

Nene: Now that that's out of the way, please welcome the performers for the opening act

Aloe: They'll be performing "Senbonzakura" Hololive's 4th generation!

Cheers erupt from the Audience which is easily heard at the backstage. Kanata, Coco, Watame, Luna, and Towa walk to the stage with Towa being in the middle of the group.

The music begins as each member performs their own dances with the music. Kanata starts singing first which is followed by Watame, Coco, and Luna. Once the chorus arrives everyone starts singing. With the Audience cheering them on

The song ends as me and Suisei claps after their performances which we were watching on a tv screen in the backstage.

The 4th Gen leaves the stage with Towa staying behind. Once everyone clears the stage, music for Towa's song starts. "Error" starts playing.

After Towa, comes Coco as the music for her song begins playing. This time "Echo" starts playing.

And the last performance for the 4th Gen today, Watame walks onto the stage with her song starting to play. "Aimai Chocolate" is heard.

After Watame's song ended, everyone comes back onto the stage, Coco doing a flip while she's at it.

Talking for a bit and saying their thanks to the Audience members, they walk off the stage for the final time today.

(A/N: And that marks the end of Broke gang's Holofes experience)

Me and Suisei walks over towards the group, giving them some refreshments and some towels to wipe their sweat off.

Y/N: Great performances everyone.

Suisei: Yeah, everyone did great!

Watame: Thanks you two!

Towa: Yeah, thank you very much.

Luna: Luna is very tired-nanora

Y/N: You need to keep working your stamina, Luna-san. You still have to perform tommorow.

Everyone laughs at the tired princess while we go sit down in front of the screen to watch the rest of the performances take place.

The rest of the performers walk up to the stage, about to perform what is wildly known by now by Hololive fans as Shiny Smily Story.

The cheers erupting from the audience members as a new performance begins.

2 more hours of performances later, the final song, "Kirameki Rider" plays. With everyone aside from the 4th gen performing. The lights fade to black as the song ends. Signifying the end of the first stage performances.

Applause and cheers once again erupt for the final times, various thank you's can be heard emanating from the crowd.

Y/N: Next it's your turn to perform, Suisei.

Suisei: Yes, please support me as usual.

Y/N: I will.


A/N: First stage performances done, second stage performances will be uploaded later today as a double upload yes.

Also since the story is nearing its end, I though of making a separate story for the side stories. Stories that I thought of making but didn't because they didn't really fit in the original story. Though I'll be making this after the main story ends and it won't be a daily upload like this one.

But other than that, please enjoy!

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