Pre-concert Events

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A month has passed since the 5th gen debuted, meaning the collab ban has been lifted and the 5th gen would be able to collab with their senpai.

After talking with the talents and managers, schedules for the collab streams have been made.

Coco with Polka, Kanata with Lamy, Luna with Nene, Towa with Aloe, and Watame with Botan. The lineups were announced and fans awaited the collabs.

(A/N: If Aloe didn't graduate I believe the collab lineups would've been like this)

Y/N: Aloe.

Aloe: What is it?

Y/N: Play nice with Towa okay?

Aloe: ... Okay

Y/N: What's with the pause?

I give Aloe some "advice" before she started her stream. Aloe leaves the call and hops onto the Hololive discord voice chat with Towa as they prepare their streams.

I tune into the stream with thousands of other viewers waiting as well. Soon the stream starts. Greetings are given, and small talk before they start playing their game.

As I expected, Towa tries to assert her senpai dominance over Aloe but to no avail as the succubus-in-training toys with her senpai with ease.

The stream continues with Aloe being a cheeky brat to Towa, while she suffers and gets beaten in the game.

The stream ends with Towa being visibly tired of the other's antics as Aloe continues to tease her Senpai. Some more friendly banter occurs before they finally ended the stream.

(A/N: Simply writing my dream of a TowAloe collab after it got shattered into a million pieces)

Y/N: Good job on the successful stream

Aloe: Thank you very much-

Y/N: I told you to play nice with you senpai, what happened to that?

Aloe: Ehehe she was too fun to tease, I couldn't hold back.

Y/N: You truly live up to your character... well it seems the viewers liked it as well so I guess that's fine. Good job

Aloe: Thank you very much!

The week went on as the final collab streams came to their ends. The collabs were successful bringing in new viewers to the new gen and bringing clips and translations as well.

1 month later

I sit back on my chair after finishing the work I had leftover. I stretch in my chair after sitting still for hours trying to finish my work.

Staring at the ceiling, I think of what to do for the day.

Y/N: It's still pretty early, Suisei, Kanata, and Coco are busy practicing for the 2nd holofes. Might as well play some games.

I decide to play some games which I've barely done since I've worked at hololive. I decided to play Mario Kart. Since I've been helping Suisei practice Mario Kart for the tournaments, I've gotten pretty good myself as well.

Y/N: Hopefully I'm not too Rusty

I cross the finish line at 1st place, happy to see I'm not too rusty yet. Before I could join another race, my phone starts ringing. I look over to see that A-chan was calling.

Y/N: Hello? A-chan?

A-chan: Hello Y/N, are you busy?

Y/N: I just finished my work for the week, is there a problem?

Number 1 fan (Hoshimachi Suisei x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ