Apartment Visit

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A/N: Surprise another chapter. Had enough to make another chapter. Also I've been planning for this chapter for a while now and I'd rather not forget it during the family trip.


(A/N: This starts off right after the previous chapter)


Suisei lead me to a nearby family restaurant to eat lunch at.

Waitress: What do you want order sir?

Y/N: I don't really know. I'll just have the same as yours Suisei.

Suisei: Alright, Karaage then!

Waitress: That would be 2 servings of Karaage then. What drinks would you like?

Suisei: Apple Juice please

Y/N: I'll just have some soda, thanks.

Waitress: Alright I'll be back with your orders in a few minutes.

Y/N: Thank you very much.

I say as the waitress walks away

After a few moments of silence, Suisei speaks up.

Suisei: Hey Y/N, what have you been up to lately?

Y/N: Besides moderating your streams, and helping you with editing some of your videos, I've been taking up some editing requests for some money. I need to survive after all. I'm planning on moving away from my parents and moving closer to my school, so I'm planning on taking a part time job probably.

Suisei: You're moving out? Where are you moving into?

Y/N: I've been looking for openings online and found one quite nearby. So I was planning on visiting it on my way home today.

Suisei: Oh can I come too? If that's fine anyways

Y/N: Sure I don't mind, the more the merrier

After that conversation, our orders arrive and we proceed to eat.

Y/N and Suisei: Thank you for the food!

A few hours later

After lunch me and Suisei explored the area for a bit more before heading to the location of the apartment. We went to an arcade for a bit and we ended up getting a stuffed bear for Suisei.

Me and Suisei approach the location of the apartment. And go inside the building that it was in.

Once we entered we were greeted by the Landlord

Landlord: How may I help you?

Y/N: Oh I'm here to check on my room before I move in the coming days

Landlord: Oh are you perhaps Y/N? The room is on the 2nd floor it's the first one to your right. Here's the key, if you find something wrong feel free to tell me

Y/N: Thank you very much. Let's go Suisei

We went up to the the room the Landlord told us. I unlock the door and walk in while Suisei quickly followed inside.

Suisei: It's quite small huh?

Y/N: And empty, but that would change in a few days.

I walk in and check the rooms inside, The livingroom, The bathroom, the kitchen, and the Bedroom. All fit for a single person living inside.

Y/N: Well everything seems to be fine, shall we go down now?

Suisei: Alright let's go

We go back down the main lobby and talk to the Landlord again.

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