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It's been a few days since Christmas and the confessions. I didn't have anything much to do. Suisei was practicing for the upcoming holofes, the restaurant I was working at gave us a few days out, and haven't gotten any commissions for video editing. So I was just here in my apartment with nothing to.

So I booted up my PC and started playing games. But those ended up being boring. I got used to playing games with Suisei that playing alone was boring. So I opened youtube trying to find something entertaining to watch.

I scrolled through the home page for a few minutes until I found a video from one of Suisei's coworkers in hololive.

Y/N: Oh I recognize this person. "I'm scatman"? I wonder what this is-

A few hours later

I don't know what exactly happened. All I know was that I ended up watching hours of clips of Suisei's hololive coworkers even some clips of Suisei herself. Clips of a game Suisei played with other hololive members. "Project winter" I believe.

I watch as Suisei kills most of her coworkers in this werewolf like game. And I got to say. It was pretty great.

I probably would have gone for a few more hours if I didn't get a call from Suisei herself. I pick up my phone and answer the call.

Y/N: Hello?

Suisei: Hey Y/N are you doing anything right now?

Y/N: Nothing much-peko

Suisei: What?

Y/N: Nothing. I'm doing nothing today.

Suisei: I see... well do you have any plans the next few days until the new year?

Y/N: Nothing much, the place I'm working at is closed until the next year so I don't have much to do.

Suisei: That's great then. My family is planning on going to my Father's hometown until the new year and told me to call you and invite your family to come.

Y/N: That's sounds nice I'll call my parents then.

Suisei: Okay call me again later then.

Y/N: Alright

Suisei hangs up the call and I swipe through my not so full contact list and call my mother. After a few seconds of ringing she picks up.

Mom: Hello Y/N? It's quite rare for you to calling me instead of me calling you.

Y/N: Yeah sorry about that, I was gonna ask if you and Dad have work the next few days until new year? The Hoshimachi family are inviting us to go on a trip if that's fine.

Mom: I see, that's great. But unfortunately me and your father have quite a lot to do in the upcoming days.

Y/N: That's quite unfortunate...

Mom: Don't worry about me and your dad. Go have fun with your girlfriend. Also say hi for the Hoshimachi family for us.

Y/N: Alright then. Thanks mom

Mom: You're welcome. Also Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Mom: Don't forget to use prote-

I hang up the call before my mom could finish what she was going to say. After hanging up I call Suisei once again to tell the news.

Suisei: I see, that's quite unfortunate.

Y/N: Yeah, but my mom told me that I could go if that's fine with your family.

Suisei: That's completely fine. You're more than welcome to come. We'll be leaving in 2 days. You know how to go to my house right?

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