Chapter 19: Division

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Kaldur's POV

"Sportsmaster suggested that there might have been a mole. But the question still remains of whether Red Tornado willingly betrayed us or was-"

I was grabbed fron the side harshly by Conner as he pushed me toward the wall.

"You knew!? Those machines almost killed Megan!" He accused.

"Conner! What are you doing?" Megan raced over.

"He knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!" Conner yelled, pulling my suit.

The rest of the team walked over, looking betrayed.

"Conner. Let go of Kaldur. I'm sure he had his reasons." Madison ordered.

"He knew-"

"Yes, you've said that already. Let go." Madison gave him a stern look and he huffed, shoving me back and letting go.

"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Wally exclaimed.

"I was trying to protect the team-"

"Protect us from what? Knowledge that might have saved our lives!?" Artemis yelled.

"Megan almost died!" Conner yelled, stepping toward me again.

"Enough!" Madison yelled. "Obviously he wanted to keep us from turning on each other. Like we are right now."

"This team was formed with trust! Did he really think we would all just turn on each other like animals?" Robin asked.

"Kaldur didn't trust us." Wally accused.

"I was only making-" Kaldur was cut off again by Batman.

"Enough. With Red Tornado missing, rotating Leaguers will supervise you. Captain Marvel (Shazam) has volunteered to take the first shift." Batman told us.

"And I am so pumped to be hangin' with you guys!" He said, stepping forward.

We all stared at him for a moment before Conner turned to me.

"After I dismantle Red Tornado-"

Batman stepped right in front of us, "Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League, so he will be dealt with by the Justice League."

"I have another assignment for this team." He told us, pulling up newspapers digitally.

"Gotham mayor attacked by guerilla gorilla?"Wally scoffed.

"Batman please. Tell us you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase." Robin complained.

"I never joke about the mission." Batman glared, "Aqualad, you and your team will depart to check this out."

I nodded and turned to the others, but they walked past me without a glance. Wally stopped for a moment.

"'Your team'." He scoffed.

I looked around for support, but there was none. And Wraith was invisible.

I saw Shazam fly into the bioship.

"You're going with us?" Robin asked.

"Sure! It'll be a blast." He exclaimed.

"Translation: He blames us for red fiasco." Robin grumbled.

"It's a big club." Wally glared at me befire they walked inside.

I sighed before taking my own seat.

Once the ship started going, everything was quiet and tense. Little blue print faded into view next to me.

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