Chapter 7: Capable

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Superman's POV

I flew up to Jack.

"Superman." He greeted coldly.

I grabbed his shirt, "What did you do?"

"They're inside. I suggest you hurry." He told me.

I growled before slapping him upside the head and knocking him out.

I closed my eyes and listened for heartbeats. None.

Oh no.

I raced into the bottom level of the building. If I was correct, at this early time in the morning they would be in the kitchen.

The entire room was engulfed in flames. I quickly spotted chairs and ropes that were huddled together in a corner.

I walked over to investigate when suddenly, smoke began to fill my lungs and I coughed.

Coughing? Why was the smoke... must have... kryptonite...

I saw Madison rush into the room in her normal clothes. She looked around and spotted the green rock before grabbing it and throwing it out of the window.

I inhaled deeply as my breathing returned to normal.

"Sorry, thought I got them all." She told me before grabbing my forearm and pulling me away.

"How did- what- Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"Fine. They're in the neighboring building. Ambulances are on their way, but we got out before the fire was too bad." She explained.

"Why did you come back?" I asked as we exited the building through the back door.

"To get Mr. Riven, but his bedroom... it's collasped completely. He's dead." She told me.

She directed me into another building where all of the kids were sitting quietly as the store owners gushed over them.

"Madison!" The old lady exclaimed, "Riven, was he...?"

Madison shook her head.

The old lady's husband crossed his arms, "Looks like Superman was late."

"You know what? I think I should go wait outside for the ambulance." Madison suddenly declared.

She walked back outside and I followed.

"Jack. What happened? Did you get him? Did you get Lex? What about the men in black?" She questioned.

"I think we need to back up. What exactly happened?" I asked.

She told me everything.

I frowned, "I never saw Lex or any men. But if they used so much kryptonite for this, it explains why he's been using little pieces for other things. He has a lot."

She frowned.

I glanced up, "How did you escape?"

"You told me to be cautious didn't you?" She smirked, "So I kept a pocket knife one me and it was more than enough to cut the ropes while the fake wall concealed what I was doing."

"Good thinking." I told her.

"Yes, my good thinking got Mr. Riven killed." She grumbled.

"Jack probably killed him long before any of this happened." I told her.

"And if he didn't?" She asked.

"Then it doesn't matter anymore. The past is the past. We can't change it." I told her.

"You'd just disregard a casualty so easily?" Madison asked.

"I'm not disregarding it. But after having seen so much, it becomes easier to just avoid thinking about it. There is nothing we can do anymore. Worrying will help no one." I explained.

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