Chapter 18: Home Front

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Kaldur's POV

"You haven't told the team?" Red Tornado asked me.

"I don't want division among the team because they're all suspicious. Nor do I want to alert the mole if one really does exist. But, perhaps I should tell Batman." I asked.

"Generally, Batman expects the team to solve it's own problems." Red Tornado told me. "But the decision is yours. I will return after monitor duty at the watchtower."

"I thought you were exempt from that after becoming our den mother." I said.

"I agreed to take Green Arrow's place. He has an interpersonal affair with Black Canary. A "hot date" I believe." Red Tornado told me before walking into the zeta tube.

I turned around. Maybe I should begin my investigation now.

I walked toward the kitchen, where everyone can usually be found. However, all I found was nothing.

Once I came into the living room however, I found someone who did not look like a mole. Madison was sleeping peacefully on the couch, her hood pulled all the way down to her chin.

I shook my head. How could any of my teammates be moles? They were such good people that I knew well. All of them had close relationships with a Leaguer, if the Justice League didn't think they were moles, why should I?

Because Sportsmaster said so. And I was letting him get under my skin. Despite knowing this though, I still can't help but want to make sure.

How to trust the people I trust most?

I don't know.

I turned around and headed to the garage, where Conner and Megan might be working on Superboy's bike or hanging out with Sphere.

Everyone was there.

"I have been meaning to ask, has anyone had trouble juggling both school and their hero lives?" I asked them.

"Nope. All good." Superboy shrugged.

"Me too." Megan said.

"Juggling is one of my many talents." Wally smirked.

Suddenly, there was an explosion and I turned around just in time as a wave crashed through and slammed into us.

We crashed into the far wall and the water retreated.

"We're under attack!" I yelled, standing up as two red bots revealed themselves.

We ran forward, just for another wave to push us back. I tried to control it, but it's strength and inertia was too powerful.

We slammed back into the wall again as the feminine bot began to shoot fire at us. She lit on fire and the entire room temperature skyrocketed.

I slumped, immediately feeling the heat.

In front of me, Megan fainted and I jumped forward, catching her before she could hit the ground.

"Megan!" Conner yelled, but he was attacked by the wave again.

Flames rose up and surrounded us, creating a cage of fire.

"Ugh!" I bowed my head as it got even hotter.

Megan was completely unconscious.

I looked up as the two robots blasted Wally and Conner at the same time. They cried out as the heat and water combined into strong obsidian bonds, holding them tightly in place.

The man robot dived into the high waters and swam off.

Robin and Artemis would be here soon. Any moment now actually.

The White Wraithजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें