Chapter 12: Together

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Wraith's POV

"That was annoying." Mr. Twister said as he stood up.

"Read his mind, look for a weakness." Aqualad told Miss. Martian.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to do that!" She exclaimed.

"It's okay with the bad guys!" Robin said.

She closed her eyes, "Nothing. I'm getting nothing!"

"So he really is a robot?" I asked. "It's not a suit?"

"Of course! It must be Red Tornado! I can't read his mind either and he can make tornadoes too!" She said.

"He said that we would be tested soon!" Robin agreed.

"Speedy called it. We're a joke." Kid Flash said.

Speedy thought we were a joke? I scoffed.

We walked forward defiantly.

"We know who you are!" Robin said.

"We will not engage!" Aqualad told him.

The android flew into the sky and began to gather dark clouds, high winds, and lightning.

"Can Red Tornado do that?" Kid Flash asked uncertainly.

"You think I'm Red Tornado? Funny." The andriod said.

Oh crap.

His storm crashed down, causing massive explosions and we were all know backward. I rolled across the dirt and coughed.

"Fine then, conceal yourselves. I'll admit you have power, but you are no match for me. If I see you again, I will show no mercy."

I pulled my hood back into place and looked up as Mr. Twister flew off.

"What happened?" Kid Flash asked.

"I moved the bioship to conceal us." Miss. Martian explained.

Superboy punched the ground next to him and stood up, walking toward Miss. Martian angrily.

"And that's supposed to make it right? You tricked us into thinking Mr. Twister was Red Tornado." Superboy growled.

I stood up. I've had enough of this guy.

"She didn't do it on purpose." Aqualad said.

"It was a rookie mistake. We shouldn't have listened." Robin said.

"You are pretty inexperienced." Kid Flash told Miss. Martian. "Hit the showers. We'll take it from here."

"Stay out of our way." Superboy growled.

I looked at everyone in shock, but of course, my emotions were masked behind the hood. Did they really blame everything on her?

Sure, she might have first suggested Mr. Twister was Red Tornado, but her hypothesis was a pretty good observation and everyone else backed her idea. If she made a rookie mistake, then so did all of us.

Superboy ran off after Mr. Twister, with Kid Flash and Robin behind him.

I snapped quietly to make myself invisible again as Aqualad walked forward. Of all people, he should understand Megan's dilemma.

"I was just trying to be part of a team." She said sadly.

"To be honest, I'm not sure we really have a team." He said before going off after the others.

I waited for a moment as he ran off, leaving Miss. Martian sadly on the floor.

I let the invisibility fade and walked over to the Martian. She looked up as I sat next to her.

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